EionRobb / purple-hangouts

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SSL Cert warning #107

Open EionRobb opened 7 years ago

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original report by dennis (Bitbucket: zsxzs, ).

Get these pops on occasion


EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dennis (Bitbucket: zsxzs, ).


EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

I think this is because the intermediate Google certificate isn't part of Pidgin, and that the server isn't providing it as an intermediate. I'm still playing around, but I think that saving the Google Internet Authority G2 intermediate certificate into the ca-certs folder should do the trick, but I'll try it first and see.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by tfphumorblog (Bitbucket: tfphumorblog, ).

I'm experiencing this exact issue currently. Anything I can do to help test, please let me know. Thanks!

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Daniel Lenski (Bitbucket: [Daniel Lenski](https://bitbucket.org/Daniel Lenski), ).

I only get this issue when I'm connecting to a wifi hotspot with a captive portal.

(Since that captive portal is trying to hijack my connection to the Google servers, in this particular case I think it's actually a feature-not-a-bug that Pidgin shows the warning.)

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dennis (Bitbucket: zsxzs, ).

I get it on my home connection.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by tfphumorblog (Bitbucket: tfphumorblog, ).

I added the cert into the folder (just to try). So far so good! Hasn't come back yet, but it's only been 10 min. :) I'll let you know.

Also, this is happening on my home connection - no hotspot.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

I've been having more luck since adding the Google intermediate cert into my ca-certs folder, almost a week now without being harassed about the certificate. I'll look at adding it into the Windows installer, but you can download it from https://pki.google.com/

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Anonymous.

Hi. I started having the same issue today. It has already happened multiple times in a few hours. I'm running purple-hangout with pidgin on debian. In which directory precisely should I put the certificate in order to stop it from happening? Thanks!

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Anthony Parrott (Bitbucket: anthony_parrott, ).

In pidgin you can use the GUI to add it. Tools -> Certificates, then click Add and point it to the cert you downloaded.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Anonymous.

Thanks @anthony_parrott ! I added like you said and it stopped happening. I've used it for the whole day and I haven't had other warning messages. If something changes I'll let you know.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

Edit: Still not working. See below.

The @anthony_parrott method didn't work for me, using Pidgin Portable on Windows. What I did was download the Google Internet Authority G2 certificate from Google which gave me GIAG2.crt. I used Bash for Windows 10 with the following command to turn it into a PEM for Pidgin:

openssl x509 -inform DER -in GIAG2.crt -out Google_Internet_Authority_G2.pem -outform PEM

I copied that into \PidginPortable\App\Pidgin\ca-certs and it seems to have resolved the warnings at least for now. I'll report back if that stops working.

Edit: Still getting the certificate errors. No idea what to do now.



EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

Bump? It still happens after what I tried, but less frequently.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dennis (Bitbucket: zsxzs, ).

Did you install the proper cert? https://bitbucket.org/EionRobb/purple-hangouts/src/7c0a620ffe730a645066575d41a5a8be8ef7880e/Google%20Internet%20Authority%20G2.pem?fileviewer=file-view-default

Haven't seen a popup in months since adding it.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

Just diffed. Mine I created is identical. It is happening a lot less. Like once a day now, instead of every 5 minutes multiple times. I wonder if they are serving a different intermediate sometimes.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by dennis (Bitbucket: zsxzs, ).

That cert should treat all of googles signed certificates as valid.

What I can think of possible causes: 1)User error, installed wrong location 2)Pidgin+Your os requires cert to be placed somewhere else

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

You'll need to restart Pidgin after adding to the ca-certs folder on Windows, it's not enough to just open the Certificates window etc the whole app needs to be stopped and started

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Daniel Lenski (Bitbucket: [Daniel Lenski](https://bitbucket.org/Daniel Lenski), ).

Okay, here's a public service announcement for Ubuntu users on how to fix this:

# download the certificate file
$ wget 'https://bitbucket.org/EionRobb/purple-hangouts/raw/7c0a620ffe730a645066575d41a5a8be8ef7880e/Google%20Internet%20Authority%20G2.pem'

# move it to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates and give it a .crt extension
$ sudo mv Google\ Internet\ Authority\ G2.pem /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/Google_Internet_Authority_G2.crt

# tell the system to use it as a trusted CA certificate
# IMPORTANT! update-ca-certificates only looks for files with .crt extension
$ sudo update-ca-certificates
Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs...
1 added, 0 removed; done.
Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d...

Adding debian:Google_Internet_Authority_G2.pem


Finally, shut down and restart Pidgin. See man update-ca-certificates if you want more information on what it's doing.

Maybe this will reduce the traffic on this thread… :-P

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

It's probably due to a lack of restarting Pidgin. That pretty much only happens when I reboot, so that I don't lose my tabs. It's odd that it massively improved the situation without a restart, but hasn't totally solved it @EionRobb. Either way, sounds like it will go away the rest of the way when I restart Pidgin. I won't update this again unless it comes back after a Pidgin restart.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

Issue #120 was marked as a duplicate of this issue.

EionRobb commented 7 years ago

Original comment by G (Bitbucket: searedapollo, ).

Issue 120 is not a duplicate. Methods outlined here have no impact and no resolve to the issue being experienced. Issue #120 is experiencing an infinite loop where the application continuously retries to verify the certificate after successfully verifying the certificate.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Alex (Bitbucket: alexolog, GitHub: alexolog).

What needs be done to resolve it on Windows?

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

@alexolog Read through the comments on this issue which explain what needs to be done

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Alex (Bitbucket: alexolog, GitHub: alexolog).

I copied the .pem file but since Daniel's comment contained additional steps, I assumed that Windows systems needed something equivalent.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Alex (Bitbucket: alexolog, GitHub: alexolog).

Still getting the pop-ups. Apparently copying the .pem file was not sufficient. Please advise.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Ryan Kistner (Bitbucket: AzuiSleet, GitHub: AzuiSleet).

Recently I was getting this warning for 0.client-channel.google.com which uses the GIA G3 certificate. Attached is a screenshot and the certificate you need to place in the ca-certs folder.



EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

Issue #168 was marked as a duplicate of this issue.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

Ugh, this is a pain in the butt.

I'll try work out if there's any way of caching the intermediate cert so that workarounds aren't needed.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Alex (Bitbucket: alexolog, GitHub: alexolog).

Now I'm getting:

Unable to validate certificate

The certificate for clients6.google.com could not be validated. The certificate chain presented is invalid.

And no option to accept it

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by palmettos (Bitbucket: palmettos, GitHub: palmettos).

I'm getting the same error as Alex. When I open the certificate and click View Issuer Certificate, the certificate is expired.

The clients6.google.com certificate:

Screenshot 2018-01-09 19.47.20.png

And its parent:

Screenshot 2018-01-09 19.47.41.png

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Alex (Bitbucket: alexolog, GitHub: alexolog).

Maybe this can help: https://pki.goog/roots.pem

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Alex (Bitbucket: alexolog, GitHub: alexolog).

I am getting multiple expired certificate errors for clients6.google.com, it is very annoying as there's a popup every minute or less.

The log (filtered by errors) says:


(20:23:07) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:23:13) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert did NOT match cached
(20:23:13) nss: CERT 0. CN=*.google.com,O=Google Inc,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US :
(20:23:13) nss: CERT 1. CN=Google Internet Authority G2,O=Google Inc,C=US [Certificate Authority]:
(20:23:13) certificate: Failed to verify certificate for clients6.google.com
(20:23:13) socket: invalid state: 3 (should be: 2)(20:23:13) hangouts: Error from server: (Unable to connect to clients6.google.com: SSL peer presented an invalid certificate) 
(20:23:29) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:23:51) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:24:56) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:25:13) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert did NOT match cached
(20:25:13) nss: CERT 0. CN=*.google.com,O=Google Inc,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US :
(20:25:13) nss: CERT 1. CN=Google Internet Authority G2,O=Google Inc,C=US [Certificate Authority]:
(20:25:13) certificate: Failed to verify certificate for clients6.google.com
(20:25:13) socket: invalid state: 3 (should be: 2)(20:25:13) hangouts: Error from server: (Unable to connect to clients6.google.com: SSL peer presented an invalid certificate) 
(20:25:39) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:26:01) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:26:23) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:26:45) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:27:13) certificate/x509/tls_cached: Peer cert did NOT match cached
(20:27:13) nss: CERT 0. CN=*.google.com,O=Google Inc,L=Mountain View,ST=California,C=US :
(20:27:13) nss: CERT 1. CN=Google Internet Authority G2,O=Google Inc,C=US [Certificate Authority]:
(20:27:13) certificate: Failed to verify certificate for clients6.google.com
(20:27:13) socket: invalid state: 3 (should be: 2)(20:27:13) hangouts: Error from server: (Unable to connect to clients6.google.com: SSL peer presented an invalid certificate) 
(20:27:53) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:28:15) nss: partial certificate chain
(20:28:37) nss: partial certificate chain

Ad nauseum.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

I've been experiencing it as well, for weeks. Any updates @EionRobb? Can you pull down the certs from their PKI infrastructure in the background or something?

Thanks for the plugin.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Zoltan Hawryluk (Bitbucket: zoltandulac, ).

So, #136 (which is a bug I previously posted about 9 months) seems to have the same issue. At the time, it seemed to be specific to my build, so I didn't push it. Given all the other problems from different OSes, I thought I'd share what I have found. I worked around this by using a shell script to update the certificates:


cd $HOMEq/.purple/certificates/x509/tls_peers

for i in 0.client-channel.google.com 1.client-channel.google.com 2.client-channel.google.com 3.client-channel.google.com 4.client-channel.google.com 5.client-channel.google.com 6.client-channel.google.com accounts.google.com clients6.google.com googleusercontent.com lh1.googleusercontent.com lh2.googleusercontent.com lh3.googleusercontent.com lh3.googleusercontent.com.cert lh4.googleusercontent.com lh5.googleusercontent.com lh6.googleusercontent.com plus.google.com talk.google.com www.googleapis.com people-pa.clients6.google.com
        rm $i
        getCert $i


Note that getCert is another script:


if [ "$#" != "1" -a "$#" != "2" ]
        echo "Usage: $0 <domain> (<portnumber>)"
        exit 1


if [ "$PORT" = "" ]

echo -n | openssl s_client -connect $HOST:$PORT | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > $HOST

This has been happening on my OSX machine for a while, and this is the only way I could work around it. Note that after a while (sometimes a few hours, but usually a few days) it will give SSL errors again, but closing pidgin through the Quit menu item and then running the first shell script fixes the issue (until I have to do it again a few days later).

Don't know if this helps other users, but maybe it'll be a starting point to finding a proper solution. (I hope).

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by tofof (Bitbucket: tofof, GitHub: tofof).

@zoltandulac's scripts reduce the errors for me but do nothing about the clients6.google.com popups, regardless of whether that domain is added to the list in the first script.

Very frustrated.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Fer Jackson (Bitbucket: kusuriurikun, GitHub: kusuriurikun).

For those curious, here's an optimized version of that script that should work in Ubuntu and other *nixes, is known to be able to work in the Ubuntu Bash shell in Windows, and which should theoretically work in any environment where bash and sed are available (note, you'll need to modify part of this to write to specific Pidgin directory). We'll see if the scripts pulled actually help any with the situation with this bug...


# CertGrabber: A little script for pulling clean certs for the purple-hangouts plugin.
# This is more for pulling raw certs and copying elsewhere.
# Many thanks to Zoltan Dudac (https://bitbucket.org/zoltandulac/) for original macOS version of a pull script from 
# which this was heavily modified and genericised.
# Kusuriurikun (https://bitbucket.org/kusuriurikun) 
echo "Making working directory..."
mkdir ~/certs
# Now that we've got in the right place (relatively speaking) now we can pull certs
echo "Pulling scripts from Google..."
for name in 0.client-channel.google.com 1.client-channel.google.com 2.client-channel.google.com 3.client-channel.google.com 4.client-channel.google.com 5.client-channel.google.com 6.client-channel.google.com accounts.google.com clients6.google.com googleusercontent.com lh1.googleusercontent.com lh2.googleusercontent.com lh3.googleusercontent.com lh3.googleusercontent.com.cert lh4.googleusercontent.com lh5.googleusercontent.com lh6.googleusercontent.com plus.google.com talk.google.com www.googleapis.com people-pa.clients6.google.com
rm $name
echo -n | openssl s_client -connect $name:443 | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > $name
echo "Certificates copied.  Unix/Linux users should copy these to the following dir:"
echo "~/.pidgin/certificates/x509/tls_peers"
echo "Windows users such as those using Bash on Ubuntu on Windows should copy here:" 
echo "$USER\AppData\Roaming\.pidgin\certificates\x509\tls_peers"

Of note, the reason I didn't make this Linux-specific/Unix-specific is I'm trying to keep it kind of open (trying to write directly to the Windows directory for a specific user is kind of kludgy in the various Linux shells for Windows, so really a better approach for these users would be to actually write the files to a directory in /mnt/c/certs and then copy (in Windows proper) to the relevant Pidgin directory. (Maybe someone is much better in Powershell and can convert this to something PS-friendly? :D Yeah right)

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Reuben Thomas (Bitbucket: rrt, GitHub: rrt).

Just a note that anyone who's installed the G2 certificate as per Daniel Lenski's comment from 2017-02-03, I guess it's probably out of date, as it was actually breaking SSL certificate verification for some Google domains for me just now; removing it from my installed certificates fixed the problem. This suggests that Fer Jackson's script for installing certificates only in Pidgin may be a better workaround for the Hangouts issue, as any changes it makes won't affect your entire system!

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Reuben Thomas (Bitbucket: rrt, GitHub: rrt).

Further, a couple of comments on Fer Jackson's script: you probably want to "mkdir certs" (not specifically in the home directory, just wherever you're executing it, to avoid overwriting a specific directory), then you probably want to cd into that directory (otherwise creating it was not so useful!) and finally the correct path to copy to, at least on non-Windows systems, starts with ~/.purple, not ~/.pidgin.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by tofof (Bitbucket: tofof, GitHub: tofof).

I do not have the expired G2 certificate installed. Nor do these scripts stop the barrage of certificate error popups; I have my own version of the script (pointed at the correct directory) running every 4 hours. At best they only diminish the errors.

If I go away for 2 hours I come back to more than a half dozen message boxes complaining about certificate validation.

This bug deserves a proper fix (it's been 15 months), or purple-hangouts should be marked experimental.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

Windows users who are experiencing this can download an updated installer from https://eion.robbmob.com/purple-hangouts.exe which has the updated certificates for Google's G3 and G2 intermediate certs.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

@EionRobb Can you advise what to update for portable users, after extracting via 7zip?

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Bruce Momjian (Bitbucket: bmomjian, GitHub: bmomjian).

I needed the Google G3 intermediate certificate posted above by @AzuiSleet. (I already had G2 installed.) Can the instructions above be updated to install the G2 and G3 certificates?

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Bruce Momjian (Bitbucket: bmomjian, GitHub: bmomjian).

Here is a URL explaining the new G3 intermediate certificate: https://textslashplain.com/2017/10/23/google-internet-authority-g3/ . Fortunately there is no Google G4 certificate so installing G2 and G3 should fix the problem for the foreseeable future.

EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Bruce Momjian (Bitbucket: bmomjian, GitHub: bmomjian).

I just started getting this error and am not sure how to fix it:

Unable to validate certificate

The certificate for clients6.google.com could not be validated. The certificate chain presented is invalid.
EionRobb commented 6 years ago

Original comment by Bruce Momjian (Bitbucket: bmomjian, GitHub: bmomjian).

I deleted my .purple/certificates directory. Let's see if that fixes it. Maybe I had an old certificate in there it didn't like.

EionRobb commented 5 years ago

Original comment by Bruce Momjian (Bitbucket: bmomjian, GitHub: bmomjian).

It seems the problem reported above has returned, and removing the .purple/certificates directory did not help. I assume it is a Google misconfiguration and the problem will go away soon.

EionRobb commented 5 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

I’m getting these again, too. I’ve just been ignoring it, hoping it’ll go away. :slight_smile: I’ve honestly forgot what I did to fix it last time since it’s been so long. I use the portable version.

EionRobb commented 5 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

There’s a new intermediate cert that’s being used that was added in https://bitbucket.org/EionRobb/purple-hangouts/commits/c65b74d3472430c07abb170415e2622ab5ba453b

There’s also a new .exe installer with the updated certs at https://bitbucket.org/EionRobb/purple-hangouts/downloads/

The issue is still the same one as last year; Google servers will send the intermediate cert only in the first response and expect the client to cache it, which libpurple does not

EionRobb commented 5 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

I saved that pem to “\PidginPortable\App\Pidgin\ca-certs”. Is that all I need to do for portable?

Is a Pidgin restart needed?

EionRobb commented 5 years ago

Original comment by Eion Robb (Bitbucket: EionRobb, GitHub: EionRobb).

@{557058:3d3b3b43-9691-4897-aeb5-c0cd7e9e2d43} yeah, you’ll need to restart Pidgin as it only loads certs at startup

(I should really take another stab at making a Plugin to load certificates from the system instead of its own ca-certs dir)

EionRobb commented 5 years ago

Original comment by Chris (Bitbucket: cbenard, GitHub: cbenard).

That would be good, but maybe easier to just add the caching to libpurple? I don’t know what’s involved.