EionRobb / skype4pidgin

Skype Plugin for Pidgin, libpurple and more
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Login error: Failed getting Magic T value #601

Closed flamablecharlie closed 4 years ago

flamablecharlie commented 6 years ago

Using the current build from source, and I'm getting the dreaded "Login error: Failed getting Magic T value".

Yes, I followed the flowchart. Yes, my password is correct. Yes, I can log into Skype for Web through a browser.

Here's the catch: The system I'm trying to use skype4pidgin on is "headless" and has no web browser installed. Command-line only.

So is there a solution to this?

dequis commented 6 years ago

Enable alt login?

Here's the catch: The system I'm trying to use skype4pidgin on is "headless" and has no web browser installed. Command-line only.


flamablecharlie commented 6 years ago

Tried that too. No joy.

dequis commented 6 years ago

Alt login should give you different error messages

flamablecharlie commented 6 years ago

Same error message no matter what I try, unfortunately. And I can't use Firefox on that system to test with it.

dequis commented 6 years ago

Same error message no matter what I try, unfortunately

If you get the same error you're not using alt login.

And I can't use Firefox on that system to test with it.


flamablecharlie commented 6 years ago

Tried it again, new error:

skypeweb - Logging in: Authenticating skypeweb - Login error: Login error: Authentication failed. Bad username or password. (code 40120) skypeweb - Logging in: Signing off..

But I'm 100% certain of the username and password because they work fine from my desktop system on both Skype and skypeweb.

krydos commented 6 years ago

@flamablecharlie I had the same issue previously and my username/password were working in web version but no in bitlbee.

The issue in my case was \ sign in the password. Escaping (\\) has helped, but I've changed my password to the one without \ sign so I can avoid escaping.

I'm not really sure but there can be other symbols that requires escaping.

flamablecharlie commented 6 years ago

My password, while complex, has no symbols in it. :(

barulheira commented 6 years ago

It just happened to me. I went to skype web site and had to confirm my security information.

All is fine again.

flamablecharlie commented 6 years ago

I've tried that, no joy. I think part of the problem is I'm running it on a headless server (no desktop).

dequis commented 6 years ago

Did you try to log in using your server's IP with socks proxy thing i linked?

Madjosz commented 6 years ago

I had this issue too and had to log in at https://go.skype.com/sfw and then enter my birthday. After that they wanted an e-mail address too but I aborted this and now it works again.

neufeind commented 6 years ago

Same here. I also had to confirm something in the webinterface and afterwards the login worked again. Maybe the error could give a hint like "conntect failed; maybe try to login on the webinterface"?

xss commented 6 years ago

Looks like I am getting the same or a similar issue as @flamablecharlie, as well:

My skype account has only one alias, an "old" skype name back from a time when they didn't have to be email addresses. This alias had worked with skypeweb before for many months, but stopped working now.

What is likely related to my issue: A few days ago, I received an email from Microsoft informing me that, allegedly because of new regulations for EU residents, I would need to add my birthday to my account in order to be able to use Skype. As I had done that a few months back already, I wasn't asked for that upon login to web.skype.com. I was, however, forced to create a new "alias", and used my associated email address as the alias, and Microsoft forced me (by withholding any option to do otherwise) to set this as my "primary alias", against my will.

Ever since creating that second alias, I started getting the "Magic T value" error upon login, both with old and with new alias. Using the new alias (the email address), I was at least able to log into skypeweb through the alternative login method. Both aliases were set to allowed to be used for logging into the Microsoft account at that time.

As I don't want nor need more than one alias, and actually prefer to keep my original alias as this is the one that was communicated to partners, I managed with some fiddling to set the old alias back as primary, and remove the second, new alias. However, the issue remains: I cannot login to skypeweb with the original (and now again only) alias, anymore, with neither login method, see above.

When using web log in, neither web.skype.com nor Microsoft/Live account ask for any additional info. I can log in fine and use and manage everything as expected. However, not so with skypeweb/skype4pidgin. :(

Are there possibly any logs or so I could provide to help debugging? I really don't want to have to run the Skype messenger additionally all the time.

szr8 commented 6 years ago

I am seeing the same as @flamablecharlie and am also using c70141ca8a6d146bc759aa293a3f79132bd248c7 where many of my messages (seemingly randomly) just don't go through.

brianjmurrell commented 5 years ago

I'm now getting this on an account/configuration that has been working for many many months. Just all of a sudden within the last 30-60 minutes I got disconnected and any attempt to connect yields this error.

Using https://web.skype.com/ works fine. I opened that up and was not asked for anything and was just taken to my conversations.

brianjmurrell commented 5 years ago

Any ideas here? I've been getting this for 4 days now. Should I open a new ticket? Perhaps this one is stale and being ignored now?

krydos commented 5 years ago

@brianjmurrell I have to say I don't ignore this ticket, but honestly I have just nothing to recommend. But it seems like your issue is a bit different from the one discussing here, so probably, as you noticed, it make sense to open the separated ticket for your issue.

brianjmurrell commented 5 years ago

Hrm. So, had to actually use the incognito window login trick from the flowchart. Using a regular (non-incognito) window didn't resolve it.

dbeusee commented 5 years ago

checking "use alternative login method" solved this error for me. Then I noticed when I use firefox to log in, it prompts for the "no password" option MS is pushing now. I clicked no thanks and unchecked "use alternative login method" and it is working again. I also noticed this message: Support for this version of Skype for Web is coming to an end. A new preview version is available now for Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome with HD video calling, call recording and much more. Try it out

I hope this upcoming change doesn't affect skypeweb, but it probably will.

coozoo commented 5 years ago

Strange got this error week ago, usually browser login was helpfull but not now... and I can't find such option like "alternative login method"...

dbeusee commented 5 years ago

You need to log in with a browser you haven't used on the skype web site or use an incognito window (chrome's menu has "new incognito window"). I think IE and Edge browsers have a similar thing called InPrivate browsing. Firefox has "New Private Window". Use one of these to log into skype web and click the "no thanks" link for the no password prompt. Or in pidgin, you can go to accounts -> manage account, then double-click the skype account, then advanced tab, and check "use alternative login method".

AleXoundOS commented 5 years ago

Alternative login method worked for me as of now. Will see how reliable it is.

coozoo commented 5 years ago

Thanks for steps.. but damn I've did nothing and today it was simply reconnected succesfuly... Microsoft what they doing there... hope it won't happen to github..

prosoitos commented 5 years ago

Thank you @KryDos: I was also having the Failed getting Magic T value error with bitlbee and it turned out that it was the same issue as yours, except that it was not with \, but with ' and ". So those 2 special characters are also problematic. Removing them from my password solved it for me. Without your comment, I don't think that I would have ever figured it out...

vrobolab commented 5 years ago

I'm getting that error right now. Password does not contain any special characters - just a basic latin and digits.

vrobolab commented 5 years ago

@vrobolab logging in to web.skype.com in a new (clean) browser profile solved the issue - shortly after I logged in into the browser the "magic t value" error disappeared and pidgin connected too.

jticket1024 commented 5 years ago

Logging in to and confirming the sign in usually fixes the magic T value problem for me.

brianjmurrell commented 5 years ago

I had an instance where I was being refused login due to perceived location changing drastically (due to the use of a VPN on another host with the same account being used not in the VPN) and had to verify my MS account.

jiteshsharma commented 4 years ago

Getting the same issue this morning. Failed to get magic T-Value. Logged in successfully from Chrome incognito/private window. Still no luck.

alt-login not enabled as 2FA not enabled on Skype.

Was able to create a new Skype id and login but not from existing id. Somehow MS is blockign the existing id

brianjmurrell commented 4 years ago

This seems to be back today. Logged in via skypeweb and got a message saying ToS were changing. I clicked Next and was taken to the main UI -- good to go. Logging in via skype4pidgin still getting this error.

Using alt-login method triggers #643.

brianjmurrell commented 4 years ago

And now it's working again.

vrobolab commented 4 years ago

Not working for me :( "Failed getting Magic T value" again, but there is no ToS screen if I login with the browser.

alexolog commented 4 years ago

Not working for me. I think that maybe some of the servers were not yet updated.

coozoo commented 4 years ago

the same sht happened for me from yesterday and now login relogin doesn't help. This dam microsoft dorks with their sh*tty skype 3GB in RAM just hard imagine but nope here it is microsoft...

kbalicki commented 4 years ago

"Failed getting Magic T value, please try logging in via browser first" again today, old solutions do not work :/

brianjmurrell commented 4 years ago

As quickly as it was working again yesterday, again today, it's broken.

SasakiSadako commented 4 years ago

Since yesterday i have the same issue. Seems to be not possible to use skype in pidgin for now. I hope it could be solved again :)

coozoo commented 4 years ago

oh I've found in settings use alternate login checkbox, marked it and it works again :)

vrobolab commented 4 years ago

no luck for me :(

I've tried "use alternate login" checkbox and now I'm getting a new error: "Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)". I am sure that the password is correct (entered it twice).

I went to the web.skype.com and signed out, then tried logging in via Pidgin: "Profile accrual is required". Unchecked the alt checkbox: "Failed getting Magic T value"

Opened web.skype.com again and logged in via browser. There was a "Stay signed in?" window, I chose "No". With the browser opened I tried to log in via Pidgin again: same two errors with and without alt checkbox. Then I closed the browser and tried to log in via Pidgin: same two errors with and without alt checkbox.

Then I opened the browser again and logged into web.skype.com, this time I clicked "Yes" in "Stay signed in?" window. With the browser opened I tried to log in via Pidgin again: same two errors with and without alt checkbox. Then I closed the browser and tried to log in via Pidgin: same two errors with and without alt checkbox.

I'm using latest release version (skype4pidgin-1.6)

alexolog commented 4 years ago

no luck for me :(

I've tried "use alternate login" checkbox and now I'm getting a new error: "Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)". I am sure that the password is correct (entered it twice).

Try logging out from the skype account on all devices, then logging in with your credentials on https://login.live.com instead and following the prompts. That's what made alternate login work for me.

vrobolab commented 4 years ago

Still no luck. I use Skype on single device, and after logging out from web.skype.com and logging in at login.live.com I had no any prompts.

saleslogistix commented 4 years ago

Same issues here -- with same lack of results. When I went to alternate login, the error message is "no handler for resource (code 40499)". There are several threads on this topic from last year, all with no particular resolution beyond "wait for the new dll".

There's also FreeBSD Bugzilla – Bug 248779 which may resolve...

and then there's release 1.6 of the DLL which worked for me.

SasakiSadako commented 4 years ago

im also tried to login with the alternate login option. I just get the following error: Login error: No handler found for resource (code 40499)

I also tried to login on the browser, and also logged in with my regular skype on the Device. "Thats usually helped me before with the magic T error. I updated the plugin to 1.6 but still cannot login. Im running it on KDE Neon with the newest focal upgrade. So still no skype for me on pidgin

EionRobb commented 4 years ago

See #656