EionRobb / skype4pidgin

Skype Plugin for Pidgin, libpurple and more
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Getting "failed to get magic-T" error even when logged in via browser #656

Closed alexolog closed 4 years ago

alexolog commented 4 years ago

After multiple reconnection attempts, it will randomly succeed but it can take several minutes of trying.

dlmarquis commented 4 years ago

I am having the same problem. This week I started having to log in via browser every time I changed IP address; now I can't get in even when logged in via browser.

Zombie-Ryushu commented 4 years ago

This behavior just started today.

alexolog commented 4 years ago

Now I cannot connect at all.

Please take a look at it. I use a different Skype account in Pidgin so I rely on it for communications.

neil969 commented 4 years ago

This has just started to happen to me too today .. Looks like Skype have changed something.. I can also say that when I try to login using Firefox but changing the user agent to Chrome ( which used to work to allow a log in to fix the Magic T issue) Skype gives an error and wont log in. It will log in on (de-googled) Chromium browser though, but I still get the issue in Pidgin. I imagine that this is related and Web.Skype may be using some new form of browser check?

alexolog commented 4 years ago

Hmmm, I can login with FF without problems

neil969 commented 4 years ago

Hmmm, I can login with FF without problems

It normally says "Unsupported Browser" if you try FF .. It has been doing that for years !

alexolog commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I fake the user agent to Edge 44 on the skype.com domain

alexolog commented 4 years ago

Miranda-NG has the same problem, according to their forum. Microsoft did something.

Edit: There are conflicting reports. Some say it works, others say it does not.

zevelorgani commented 4 years ago

Miranda-NG has the same problem, according to their forum. Microsoft did something.

Actually, they say it works fine on their end.

DeRiderConsultingServices commented 4 years ago

Experiencing same issue. Attaching log files. Nothing overtly identifying

(19:12:29) http: Request 02306870 performed successfully.
(19:12:29) g_log: skypeweb_string_get_chunk: assertion `chunk_start' failed
(19:12:29) g_log: skypeweb_string_get_chunk: assertion `chunk_start' failed
(19:12:29) g_log: skypeweb_string_get_chunk: assertion `chunk_start' failed
(19:12:29) connection: Connection error on 0390AC48 (reason: 2 description: Failed getting Magic T value, please try logging in via browser first)

alexolog commented 4 years ago

I looked at the Miranda-NG source and they are passing three cookies to https://login.live.com/ppsecure/post.srf: MSPRequ, MSPOK, and CkTst, while Pidgin only passes CkTst

Could that be the problem?

DeRiderConsultingServices commented 4 years ago

That could definitely be a source. Definitely worthy of testing if one has both the knowledge, the time and the ability to build the skype plugin from the source.

boris-petrov commented 4 years ago

@alexolog - if Miranda has the same problem then probably these cookies don't matter (that much). Would you mind linking to their issue here?

neil969 commented 4 years ago

@alexolog - if Miranda has the same problem then probably these cookies don't matter (that much). Would you mind linking to their issue here?

I have had a dig through the issues at Miranda, (forum & Github) but I can't see that they have a an issue with NOT connecting ( maybe an issue with "remaining* connected) with web.skype , so maybe the issue is the two extra cookies?

SullyvanCrow commented 4 years ago

Same problem here, using "Alternative login method" Failed too with "Login error: No handler found for resource (code 40499)" message

EionRobb commented 4 years ago

Using alternate auth with the latest version of the plugin is always preferred, but I'm looking into the "pretend to be a web browser" method too

It looks like it's hitting the "do you want to store these details / stay logged in" screen and getting stuck. There should be one more screen to pretend to click through for the old login method to work

SullyvanCrow commented 4 years ago

updating pidgin to the latest version and the plugin from 1.5 to 1.6 seems to solve the login problem (with alternative auth method)

neil969 commented 4 years ago

Using alternate auth with the latest version of the plugin is always preferred, but I'm looking into the "pretend to be a web browser" method too

I have never managed to get anything but an error when I check " Alternative login method" - currently that error is "Login error: No handler found for resource (code 40499)"
So currently it is either that error or the "magic T" error ... At least it is now consistent :)

ZaxonXP commented 4 years ago

updating pidgin to the latest version and the plugin from 1.5 to 1.6 seems to solve the login problem (with alternative auth method)

This did not work for me. It says:

Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)
SullyvanCrow commented 4 years ago

updating pidgin to the latest version and the plugin from 1.5 to 1.6 seems to solve the login problem (with alternative auth method)

This did not work for me. It says:

Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)

Is the loging ok on the web version of Skype ?

ZaxonXP commented 4 years ago

Is the loging ok on the web version of Skype ?

No, it is not. That is why I tried the alternative, but it also did not work for me.

SullyvanCrow commented 4 years ago

Is the loging ok on the web version of Skype ?

No, it is not. That is why I tried the alternative, but it also did not work for me.

are you sure of your login/password ?

neil969 commented 4 years ago

OK I can confirm that the the 1.6 fixed the "Login error: No handler found for resource (code 40499)" when using the alt login method, and I am back connected to Skype again... I REALLY thought I had the most recent version so sorry about that @EionRobb - I think I may have had a beta version from like January . so "BEFORE DOING ANYTHING ELSE Grab the latest DLL (1.6) from here https://github.com/EionRobb/skype4pidgin/releases & drop it into the plugins directory and restart pidgin with "Alternative login" check as on! :)

PF4Public commented 4 years ago

1.6 does not work for me

1.5 alt login: "Login error: No handler found for resource (code 40499)" 1.6 alt login: "Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)"

1.5 non-alt login: "Failed getting Magic T value, please try logging in via browser first" 1.6 non-alt login: "Failed getting Magic T value, please try logging in via browser first"

logging in via browser: working good

ZaxonXP commented 4 years ago

@PF4Public : I have the same situation as you. @SullyvanCrow : Yes, I put my login/pass correctly (tried few times).

SullyvanCrow commented 4 years ago

@ZaxonXP with the last pidgin version (2.14.1) ?

konto-andrzeja commented 4 years ago

I also have Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required) error when trying alt method with 1.6 plugin version and 2.14.1 Pidgin version. Can log in using web just fine, so login and password are correct. Tried to verify recent activities as suggested here, but it didn't help.

SullyvanCrow commented 4 years ago

try to change your ip.. (through VPN, or rebooting your modem/box)

EionRobb commented 4 years ago

This issue might start to get a bit noisy, but I don't want to lock down comments just yet in case someone has something helpful 👍

Basically, the web-based login is currently broken and you need to use the "use alternative login method" in the Advanced settings

If you don't have that setting then you need to update to 1.6 of the plugin from https://github.com/EionRobb/skype4pidgin/releases

"Code 40499" means you have v1.5 of the plugin and you need to update to v1.6 of the plugin from https://github.com/EionRobb/skype4pidgin/releases "Profile accrual is required" is something to do with not linking a Skype account to a Microsoft account. Please wait for the plugin to get an update, or try link your Skype account to a MS account.

This will need a code change to fix, so any suggestions of "use another browser" or "restart your computer" will be removed :)

Please only comment in this issue if you have a code suggestion. If things get too noisy I'll lock the thread down.

alexolog commented 4 years ago

"Profile accrual is required" is something to do with not linking a Skype account to a Microsoft account. Please wait for the plugin to get an update, or try link your Skype account to a MS account.

I am getting "Profile accrual is required". I can login to a Microsoft account with my Skype credentials, so I assume they are linked. How do I verify?

ZaxonXP commented 4 years ago

I am getting "Profile accrual is required". I can login to a Microsoft account with my Skype credentials, so I assume they are linked. How do I verify?

Log in to Pidgin Skype plugin using your MS account and use alternative login method.

It worked for me however that account has no contacts, so it is not ideal solution (I would have to import the contacts and assure the persons that this accounts belongs to me). So waiting for the fix.

alexolog commented 4 years ago

I do not have separate Microsoft and Skype accounts for the username I use in Pidgin. I use the exact same credentials for web.skype.com and account.microsoft.com, and logging in into one automatically logs me in into the other.

OK, figured it out: I needed to create an Outlook account linked to my Microsoft/Skype account. Now it works.

Zombie-Ryushu commented 4 years ago

The Alternate login method can work for Spectrum 2: in your skype.cfg file add:

[purple] alt-login = 1

georgehazan commented 4 years ago

@EionRobb you can find the solution here https://github.com/miranda-ng/miranda-ng/commit/f672145138af24d238bc763001f5625da9525d88

Patch is simple

gordon-fish commented 4 years ago

@Zombie-Ryushu I can confirm that this works for Spectrum 2.

EionRobb commented 4 years ago

For those unable to use the 'Use alternative login method' setting, can you try with the above commit 6d6abba?

Windows dll libskypeweb.zip

Thanks to @georgehazan for pointers about the opid :+1:

ZaxonXP commented 4 years ago

@EionRobb I just recompilled the plugin with the commit changes you posted. I can confirm that it is working. :+1: Good job! :)

uzpis commented 4 years ago

@EionRobb Unfortunately, windows dll still pops up (Profile accural is required)

EDIT: I made my main Skype/MS login as e-mail not skype name. And this fixed the problem.

EionRobb commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback @uzpis - will need to update the login flowchart to say 'use an email address' for the alt login flow

I'll wait 24 hours for more feedback on the commit, and then hopefully push out a 1.7 version tomorrow :)

vrobolab commented 4 years ago

Simply recompiling the plugin does not help, I had to create an Outlook account to login.

open https://login.live.com -> "Discover Microsoft services" -> "All Microsoft" -> "Software" -> "Outlook" -> "Sign in" and it will ask for your email address "You need to specify an email address to continue". I clicked "Or get a new Outlook email from us" and registered a new Outlook account.

Then I successfully logged in using an alternative method and Outlook email address instead of Skype account name.

But there are two more problems now - I have no chat history from the old Skype account, but it is not a big problem. The big one - I do not receive new messages (they do not sync?).

If I login with the browser to https://web.skype.com there are several new messages in different chats, and no such messages in Pidgin.

vrobolab commented 4 years ago

read "open https://login.live.com" as "log in to https://login.live.com using your Skype account"

kosilin commented 4 years ago

Good day!

I've solved this problem for me just now. After I've logged in (from PC where my Pidgin is installed) into MS live account (not skype!) I was trying to see my activities. At this point MS had required me to confirm my e-mail address. Since my e-mail has been confirmed I'm able to login into Skype account with skypeweb using alternative login.

May be this recipe will be usefull for someone....

Best regards, Alexey

brianjmurrell commented 4 years ago


Using alternate auth with the latest version of the plugin is always preferred, but I'm looking into the "pretend to be a web browser" method too

Except that doesn't work using 1.6: Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)

kosilin commented 4 years ago


Using alternate auth with the latest version of the plugin is always preferred, but I'm looking into the "pretend to be a web browser" method too

Except that doesn't work using 1.6: Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)

Please try to confirm your e-mail from the PC where the skypweb is working on (please see my post a little bit earlier) before using alternative skype login.


PF4Public commented 4 years ago

Windows dll libskypeweb.zip

Immediately after: "Failed getting PPFT value, please try logging in via browser first" After logging in via browser: "Failed getting Magic T value, please try logging in via browser first"

brianjmurrell commented 4 years ago

I added an e-mail address to the MS account that I use for skype and reconfigured Pidgin to use that instead of my skype name and now login is still failing with: Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)

vrobolab commented 4 years ago

Try logging out from web.skype.com, if it does not help - try registering an Outlook account and logging in with it.

kosilin commented 4 years ago

I added an e-mail address to the MS account that I use for skype and reconfigured Pidgin to use that instead of my skype name and now login is still failing with: Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)

I use skype name nevertheless. And that's working for me.

brianjmurrell commented 4 years ago

I have an outlook account yet trying to log in to skype with my e-mail address is still giving: Login error: Bad username or password (Profile accrual is required)Now it works. I guess there must be some delay between adding an e-mail address to one's MS account and it being usable with skype4pidgin.

dazzzl commented 4 years ago

The commit works! Thanks!