This provides an overall summary or context of a member, when they became involved and how many days they have worked.
This could be supplemented with a contribution vote by peers to capture the more intangible contribution a member has made.
[ ] Date joined ACO - [Month/Day/Year]
[ ] Days / Hours worked overall - [00 Days/Hours]
[ ] Cost of contribution (from member perspective) - [$ 0]
[ ] Contribution vote
Each work area will be divided into appropriate categories (e.g. Code, UX etc.) and be accompanied with an "Outputs" section where members can record what they have produced, built, documented etc.
SecretDecks-Contribution Survey - opened on - Tuesday, 05 October, 2021
Autonomous Creator Organisation (ACO) - Contribution-Survey
General Information
This provides an overall summary or context of a member, when they became involved and how many days they have worked. This could be supplemented with a contribution vote by peers to capture the more intangible contribution a member has made.
Each work area will be divided into appropriate categories (e.g. Code, UX etc.) and be accompanied with an "Outputs" section where members can record what they have produced, built, documented etc.