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Collections: Conclusion #4

Closed acrm closed 7 years ago

acrm commented 7 years ago


We have almost finished with collections theme by now. Surely, there is a lot of topics that we are skipping. We are skipping such types of collections as Queue, HashSet, ordered collections, concurrent collections. Also we haven't mention most part of LINQ extension methods, and not even touch a topic about ExpressionsTree and LinqToSql. But it's enough for now. Some of bypassed material will arise in our future themes.

Most important is that we have accomplished a walkthrough around most basic concepts of data structuring and data manipulation. We have seen how it used and how it works under the hood. And now in the aim of assessment of solidness and consistency of your actual understanding of this theme I propose your to fulfill a small essay in form of knowledge base article, generalizing all your knowledge about collections and LINQ, that you had previously and obtain during this task sequences. If you are unsure in some details you could place you questions right in the essay and I will answer them also in those place.

I recommend you to write it in wiki-like markup, using supported by Github Markdown file format. You could write it, preview and commit changes right in webview in your repository.



Wiki: Markdown GitHub: Markdown

acrm commented 7 years ago

Nice done. Do you have any questions about LINQ? We can continue to fulfill our knowledge base, whenever it needed.