Given an array/list of integers, find the Nth smallest element in the array.
Array/list size is at least 3.
Array/list's numbers could be a mixture of positives , negatives and zeros.
Repetition in array/list's numbers could occur, so don't remove duplications.
Input >> Output Examples
Introduction and warm-up (highly recommended): Playing With Lists/Arrays Series
Given an array/list of integers, find the Nth smallest element in the array.
Array/list size is at least 3. Array/list's numbers could be a mixture of positives , negatives and zeros. Repetition in array/list's numbers could occur, so don't remove duplications. Input >> Output Examples
arr=[3,1,2] n=2 ==> return 2 arr=[15,20,7,10,4,3] n=3 ==> return 7 arr=[2,169,13,-5,0,-1] n=4 ==> return 2 arr=[2,1,3,3,1,2], n=3 ==> return 2
function nthSmallest(arr, pos){ return [...arr].sort((a, b) => a - b)[pos - 1] }
function nthSmallest(arr, pos){ arr.sort((a, b) => a - b); return arr[pos - 1] }