Ekozmaster / NFSU2-RTX-Remix

RTX Remix mod for Need for Speed Underground 2
MIT License
99 stars 4 forks source link

Garages textures and lights #86

Closed nicklllmedia closed 11 months ago

nicklllmedia commented 11 months ago

New textures and lights. Most of the garages were voted to stay as is, but not a Dyno shop. Also I have merged missing textures of Body shop Buggula created into release. Credentials added accordingly. Poll results, I believe: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/16AehMuF9LSTj-xjiYutKtqMK3jttKi_DGLBI4MXznAg/viewanalytics?pli=1&pli=1&fbzx=4325347079833985636&pli=1