Ekozmaster / NFSU2-RTX-Remix

RTX Remix mod for Need for Speed Underground 2
MIT License
98 stars 4 forks source link

Add back crowds #91

Open adamplayer opened 11 months ago

adamplayer commented 11 months ago

@uncleburrito requested that the crowds from the vanilla game be added back.

For reference:


adamplayer commented 11 months ago


Modified 0x00870CD0 and 0x008764E0 to be 1. Setting the g_CrowdEnable via regedit doesn't seem to work since our setup is to have the game in lowest performance mode.

The crowd seems to be there in the game's mind, but there's no textures for them going to the renderer.

adamplayer commented 11 months ago

image Only the shadows seem to get loaded, even when forcing the settings for the crowds to load to on.