Ekultek / Zeus-Scanner

Advanced reconnaissance utility
954 stars 248 forks source link

Dork with spaces not working #162

Closed localhost443 closed 6 years ago

localhost443 commented 6 years ago

What's the problem

Dork using long text (with space) not working , and not givining the result it should

Running context

Any idea on a solution?


Full console commands run

sudo python zeus.py -B "inurl:anything inurl:https:// intext:anything intext:another text intext:another text" --random-agent -s --exclude-none --auto

Stacktrace (if applicable)

Full file log information

Ekultek commented 6 years ago

What does not working mean exactly? It won’t run, or it doesn’t find any URLs? From your given command, there is no dork, list, website, or randomized specified so there’s no way Zeus will work.

Ekultek commented 6 years ago

Incorrect usage:

baal@baal-Aspire-5733Z:~/bin/tools/zeus-scanner$ sudo python zeus.py -B "inurl:anything inurl:https:// intext:anything intext:another text intext:another text" --random-agent -s --exclude-none --auto

    __          __________                             __   
   / /          \____    /____  __ __  ______          \ \  
  / /    ______   /     // __ \|  |  \/  ___/  ______   \ \ 
  \ \   /_____/  /     /\  ___/|  |  /\___ \  /_____/   / / 
   \_\          /_______ \___  >____//____  >          /_/  
                       \/   \/           \/  v1.2.30.d38732(revision)
        Advanced Reconnaissance...

[*] starting up at 07:06:08..

[07:06:08 INFO] log file being saved to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/zeus-log-6.log'...
[07:06:08 INFO] specified to use non-default search engine...
[07:06:08 CRITICAL] failed to provide a mandatory argument, you will be redirected to the help menu...
Usage: zeus.py -d|r|l|f|b| DORK|FILE|URL [ATTACKS] [--OPTS]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  Mandatory Options:
    These options have to be used in order for Zeus to run

    -d DORK, --dork=DORK
                        Specify a singular Google dork to use for queries
    -l FILE-PATH, --dork-list=FILE-PATH
                        Specify a file full of dorks to run through
    -r, --rand-dork     Use a random dork from the etc/dorks.txt file to
                        perform the scan
    -b URL, --blackwidow=URL
                        Spider a single webpage for all available URL's
    -f FILE-PATH, --url-file=FILE-PATH
                        Run an attack on URL's in a given file

  Attack arguments:
    These arguments will give you the choice on how you want to check the

    -s, --sqli          Run a Sqlmap SQLi scan on the discovered URL's
    -p, --port-scan     Run a Nmap port scan on the discovered URL's
    -a, --admin-panel   Search for the websites admin panel
    -x, --xss-scan      Run an XSS scan on the found URL's
    -w, --whois-lookup  Perform a WhoIs lookup on the provided domain
    -c, --clickjacking  Perform a clickjacking scan on a provided URL
    -g, --github-search
                        Perform a Github Gist search for any information on
                        the found websites
    -P, --pgp           Perform a PGP public key lookup on the found URLs
                        Pass the arguments to send to the sqlmap API within
                        quotes & separated by a comma. IE 'dbms mysql, verbose
                        3, level 5'
                        Pass a configuration file that contains the sqlmap
                        Pass the arguments to send to the nmap API within
                        quotes & separated by a pipe. IE '-O|-p 445, 1080'
    --show-sqlmap       Show the arguments that the sqlmap API understands
    --show-nmap         Show the arguments that nmap understands
    --show-possibles    Show all connections made during the admin panel
                        Send the XSS payloads through tampering before sending
                        to the target
    --thread            Run multiple threads on functions that support multi-
    --auto              Automatically start the sqlmap API (or at least try

  Search options:
    Arguments that will control the search criteria

                        Specify how many links to try and search on Google
    -M, --multi         Search multiple pages of Google
    -E, --exclude-none  Do not exclude URLs because they do not have a
                        GET(query) parameter in them
    -W, --webcache      Parse webcache URLs for the redirect in them
    --x-forward         Add a header called 'X-Forwarded-For' with three
                        random IP addresses
    --time-sec=SECONDS  Control the sleep time to the WhoIS lookup to prevent

  Anonymity arguments:
    Arguments that help with anonymity and hiding identity

                        Use a proxy to do the scraping, will not auto
                        configure to the API's
                        Grab a random proxy from a given file of proxies
    --random-agent      Use a random user-agent from the etc/agents.txt file
    --agent=USER-AGENT  Use your own personal user-agent
    --tor               Use Tor connection as the proxy and set the firefox
                        browser settings to mimic Tor

  Search engine arguments:
    Arguments to change the search engine used (default is Google)

    -D, --search-engine-ddg
                        Use DuckDuckGo as the search engine
    -B, --search-engine-bing
                        Use Bing as the search engine
    -A, --search-engine-aol
                        Use AOL as the search engine

  Misc Options:
    These options affect how the program will run

    --verbose           Run the application in verbose mode (more output)
    --batch             Skip the questions and run in default batch mode
    --update            Update to the latest development version
    --hide              Hide the banner during running
    --version           Show the current version and exit
                        Specify how many threads you want to pass
    --show-success      Calculate the dorks success rate and output the
                        calculation in human readable form

[*] shutting down at 07:06:11..


Pay special attention to this:

  Mandatory Options:
    These options have to be used in order for Zeus to run

    -d DORK, --dork=DORK
                        Specify a singular Google dork to use for queries
    -l FILE-PATH, --dork-list=FILE-PATH
                        Specify a file full of dorks to run through
    -r, --rand-dork     Use a random dork from the etc/dorks.txt file to
                        perform the scan
    -b URL, --blackwidow=URL
                        Spider a single webpage for all available URL's
    -f FILE-PATH, --url-file=FILE-PATH
                        Run an attack on URL's in a given file
Ekultek commented 6 years ago

Correct usage:

baal@baal-Aspire-5733Z:~/bin/tools/zeus-scanner$ sudo python zeus.py -B -d "inurl:anything inurl:https:// intext:anything intext:another text intext:another text" --random-agent -s --exclude-none --auto

    __          __________                             __   
   / /          \____    /____  __ __  ______          \ \  
  / /    ______   /     // __ \|  |  \/  ___/  ______   \ \ 
  \ \   /_____/  /     /\  ___/|  |  /\___ \  /_____/   / / 
   \_\          /_______ \___  >____//____  >          /_/  
                       \/   \/           \/  v1.2.30.d38732(revision)
        Advanced Reconnaissance...

[*] starting up at 07:07:11..

[07:07:11 INFO] log file being saved to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/zeus-log-8.log'...
[07:07:11 INFO] specified to use non-default search engine...
[07:07:11 INFO] starting dork scan with query 'inurl:anything inurl:https:// intext:anything intext:another text intext:another text'...
[07:07:11 WARNING] will not parse webcache URL's (to parse webcache pass -W)...
[07:07:11 INFO] attempting to gather query URL...
[07:07:11 INFO] firefox browser display will be hidden while it performs the query...
[07:07:11 WARNING] your web browser will be automated in order for Zeus to successfully bypass captchas and API calls. this is done in order to grab the URL from the search and parse the results. please give selenium time to finish it's task...
[07:07:17 INFO] browser will open shortly...
[07:07:18 INFO] searching search engine using query 'http://bing.com'...
[07:07:21 INFO] closing the browser and continuing process..
[07:07:21 INFO] URL successfully gathered, searching for GET parameters...
[07:07:21 INFO] no proxy configuration detected...
[07:07:22 INFO] adjusting user-agent header to Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/27.0.1453.93 Safari/537.36...
[07:07:22 INFO] successfully wrote found items to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/url-log/url-log-4.log'...
[07:07:22 INFO] found a total of 6 URLs with given query 'inurl:anything inurl:https:// intext:anything intext:another text intext:another text'...
[07:07:22 INFO] currently running on 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=246338' (target #1)...
[07:07:22 INFO] checking URL headers...
[07:07:22 INFO] checking if target URL is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/IDS...
[07:07:23 INFO] no WAF/IDS/IPS has been identified on target URL...
[07:07:23 INFO] attempting to get request headers for 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=246338'...
[07:07:23 INFO] found a request cookie, saving to file...
[07:07:23 INFO] successfully wrote found items to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/cookies/go.microsoft.com-cookie.log'...
[07:07:23 WARNING] provided target has protection against multiple attacks...
[07:07:23 WARNING] provided target has protection against clickjacking vulnerabilities...
[07:07:23 WARNING] provided target has protection against MIME type attacks...
[07:07:23 WARNING] provided target has protection against XSS attacks...
[07:07:23 INFO] writing found headers to log file...
[07:07:23 INFO] successfully wrote found items to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/header-log/go.microsoft.com-headers.json'...
[07:07:23 PROMPT] would you like to process found URL: 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=246338'[y/N]: n
[07:07:31 WARNING] skipping 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=246338'...

[07:07:31 INFO] currently running on 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=617297' (target #2)...
[07:07:31 INFO] checking URL headers...
[07:07:31 INFO] checking if target URL is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/IDS...
[07:07:31 INFO] no WAF/IDS/IPS has been identified on target URL...
[07:07:31 INFO] attempting to get request headers for 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=617297'...
[07:07:33 INFO] found a request cookie, saving to file...
[07:07:33 INFO] successfully wrote found items to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/cookies/go.microsoft.com(1).log'...
[07:07:33 WARNING] provided target has protection against multiple attacks...
[07:07:33 WARNING] provided target has protection against clickjacking vulnerabilities...
[07:07:33 WARNING] provided target has protection against MIME type attacks...
[07:07:33 WARNING] provided target has protection against XSS attacks...
[07:07:33 INFO] writing found headers to log file...
[07:07:33 INFO] successfully wrote found items to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/header-log/go.microsoft.com(1).json'...
[07:07:33 PROMPT] would you like to process found URL: 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=617297'[y/N]: n
[07:07:38 WARNING] skipping 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=617297'...

[07:07:38 INFO] currently running on 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839' (target #3)...
[07:07:38 INFO] checking URL headers...
[07:07:38 INFO] checking if target URL is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/IDS...
[07:07:39 INFO] no WAF/IDS/IPS has been identified on target URL...
[07:07:39 INFO] attempting to get request headers for 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839'...
[07:07:39 INFO] found a request cookie, saving to file...
[07:07:39 INFO] successfully wrote found items to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/cookies/go.microsoft.com(2).log'...
[07:07:39 WARNING] provided target has protection against multiple attacks...
[07:07:39 WARNING] provided target has protection against clickjacking vulnerabilities...
[07:07:39 WARNING] provided target has protection against MIME type attacks...
[07:07:39 WARNING] provided target has protection against XSS attacks...
[07:07:39 INFO] writing found headers to log file...
[07:07:39 INFO] successfully wrote found items to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/header-log/go.microsoft.com(2).json'...
[07:07:39 PROMPT] would you like to process found URL: 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839'[y/N]: n
[07:07:41 WARNING] skipping 'http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=521839'...

[07:07:41 INFO] currently running on 'http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9844325' (target #4)...
[07:07:41 INFO] checking URL headers...
[07:07:41 INFO] checking if target URL is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS/IDS...
[07:07:44 INFO] no WAF/IDS/IPS has been identified on target URL...
[07:07:44 INFO] attempting to get request headers for 'http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9844325'...
[07:07:47 WARNING] provided target has protection against clickjacking vulnerabilities...
[07:07:47 WARNING] provided target has protection against unencrypted connections (force HTTPS connection)...
[07:07:47 INFO] writing found headers to log file...
[07:07:47 INFO] successfully wrote found items to '/home/baal/bin/tools/zeus-scanner/log/header-log/go.microsoft.com(3).json'...
[07:07:47 PROMPT] would you like to process found URL: 'http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9844325'[y/N]: y
[07:07:48 INFO] creating arguments for sqlmap...
[07:07:48 INFO] attempting to launch sqlmap API...
[07:07:48 ERROR] there was a problem starting sqlmap API...
[07:07:48 PROMPT] manually start the API and press enter when ready... 
[07:08:42 INFO] initializing new sqlmap scan with given URL 'http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9844325'...
[07:08:42 INFO] gathering sqlmap API scan ID...
[07:08:42 INFO] starting sqlmap scan on url: 'http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9844325'...
[07:08:42 WARNING] please keep in mind that this is the API, output will not be saved to log file, it may take a little longer to finish processing, launching sqlmap...
sqlmap> [07:08:44 INFO] testing connection to the target URL
^C[07:08:48 ERROR] user aborted process...

[*] shutting down at 07:08:48..
localhost443 commented 6 years ago

Why the results are so different, I am not understanding . Here is the screenshot http://prntscr.com/heozju I tried : sudo python zeus.py -d "inurl:php?= inurl:https:// intext:order now intext:bra intext:select size" --random-agent -s --exclude-none --auto Note: removed -B becoz I wanted to use google as my search Engine .

Ekultek commented 6 years ago

Well firstly, the screenshot you sent, and the slightly creep dork you're saying you used, are completely different. And the results are probably different because of your location (when zeus launches your headless browser, it doesn't do the same thing as launching the browser yourself). You should try (instead) using smaller dorks with OR in between them. IE:

inurl:php?id=10 OR inurl:php?status=10 OR inurl:php?state=10

You could also try -M -L <NUM> and search for a whole lot more sites that way.

And also, you aren't parsing the webcache URL's when running on Google. (-W) which can cause results to be different as well:
