ElDavoo / wa-crypt-tools

Manage WhatsApp .crypt12, .crypt14 and .crypt15 files.
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Can't decrypt Crypt14 - key format change? #31

Closed himan1000 closed 2 years ago

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

Dont decrypt14

E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python ./decrypt14_15.py ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt14 ./msgstore.db [I] Crypt12/14 key loaded [E] Key version mismatch: b'3' != b'2' To bypass checks, use the "--force" parameter

or E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python ./decrypt14_15.py ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt14 ./msgstore.db -f -v [V] Reading keyfile... [I] Crypt12/14 key loaded [V] Parsing database header... [V] WhatsApp version: [V] Your phone number ends with [E] Key version mismatch: b'3' != b'2' [E] Server salt mismatch: .... [E] Google ID mismatch: .... != b.... [I] Database header parsed [V] Decrypting... [E] I can't recognize decrypted data. Decryption not successful. The key probably does not match with the encrypted file. [I] Done


E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python ./decrypt14_15.py ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt14 ./msgstore.db -v -np -f [V] Reading keyfile... [I] Crypt12/14 key loaded [V] WhatsApp version: [F] Could not create a decryption cipher

The Key and the Backup are from the same Phone.

[E] Server salt mismatch: .... [E] Google ID mismatch: .... != b.... -> may i post this here?

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

Is the key updated? WhatsApp started auto-regenerating keys in recent versions.

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

Is the key updated? WhatsApp started auto-regenerating keys in recent versions.

i dont know -> the key is from 15.7. copy from the phone

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

Is the key updated? WhatsApp started auto-regenerating keys in recent versions.

Is decryption then possible at all?

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

You are trying to decrypt a backup created with an older key (the key you currently have is version 3, while the backups want a version 2 key). As the version 2 key got overridden by the version 3 key, unfortunately your backup is lost. The only thing you can try is to restore from these older backups using the official WhatsApp client. It shouldn't work, but you never know.

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

You are trying to decrypt a backup created with an older key (the key you currently have is version 3, while the backups want a version 2 key). As the version 2 key got overridden by the version 3 key, unfortunately your backup is lost. The only thing you can try is to restore from these older backups using the official WhatsApp client. It shouldn't work, but you never know.

can't I just install an older Whatsapp version and import the backup there? And export the key from there?

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

I don't know. You can try.

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

And the keystore.xml file doesn't help me here?

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

I exported everything from the old cell phone. Unfortunately, the key was no longer in the directory. Probably because my new cell phone was already registered.

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

And the keystore.xml file doesn't help me here?

I don't think those keys are related to backups.

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

Even a current file with the right key cannot be decrypted....

E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python ./decrypt14_15.py ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt14 ./msgstore.db -v -f [V] Reading keyfile... [I] Crypt12/14 key loaded [V] Parsing database header... [V] WhatsApp version: [V] Your phone number ends with ... [E] Server salt mismatch: b'\xb9\x......................................... [E] Google ID mismatch: b'^\xb9\x04^\xbei\xe3......................................' != b'_f\xb5......................... [I] Database header parsed [V] Decrypting... [E] I can't recognize decrypted data. Decryption not successful. The key probably does not match with the encrypted file. [I] Done

himan1000 commented 2 years ago


E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python ./decrypt14_15.py ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt14 ./msgstore.db -v -f -np [V] Reading keyfile... [I] Crypt12/14 key loaded [V] WhatsApp version: [F] Could not create a decryption cipher

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

No idea, it works for me. The keys you are using do not match the keys used to encrypt the DB. I can't know for sure, but I think WhatsApp regenerates the key if you delete the account and recreate it, or if you reinstall the app without restoring a backup. Honestly I wouldn't even know what to do if you sent me the files as the program output is clear: the key format is still the same, the backup header is still the same. The only thing I can think about is, if WhatsApp decryption method really changed, other people should complain.

himan1000 commented 2 years ago


...Apparently others have the same problem

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

Hmmmm. WhatsApp is up to something. In the device i used for testing, the key file auto-regenerated, but I grabbed the new one and everything works.

As I already said, however, I have no idea of what to do. :(

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

Can you send me all the keys you have and some backups? You can see my email in the profile page. I'm on vacation however so I will take a look in 2 weeks.

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

thank you for the offer. The key is from 15.7. he cannot decrypt the current backup. The old backups apparently still have an old key 2.....that would actually be more important than the new one. I have everything there. ... I will soon see that I try the decryption on my cell phone. However, the original cell phone is broken, so I would have to take another one, will that work? (Other IMEI) ....

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

This is what my batch file looks like:

python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 python -m pip install --upgrade pip python -m pip install -r requirements.txt python ./decrypt14_15.py ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt14 ./msgstore.db -v -f -np


E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate .\venv\Scripts\activate.bat .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 Error: Unable to create directory 'E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\venv\Scripts\activate.bat'

E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python -m pip install --upgrade pip Requirement already satisfied: pip in c:\users\martin\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (22.2.1)

E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python -m pip install -r requirements.txt Requirement already satisfied: javaobj-py3==0.4.3 in c:\users\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 1)) (0.4.3) Requirement already satisfied: pycryptodomex==3.15.0 in c:\users\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 2)) (3.15.0) Requirement already satisfied: protobuf==4.21.3 in c:\users\appdata\local\programs\python\python310\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)) (4.21.3)

E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>python ./decrypt14_15.py ./key ./msgstore.db.crypt14 ./msgstore.db -v -f -np [V] Reading keyfile... [I] Crypt12/14 key loaded [V] WhatsApp version: [F] Could not create a decryption cipher

E:\Backup\Whatsapp\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main\WhatsApp-Crypt14-Crypt15-Decrypter-main>cmd Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1826] (c) Microsoft Corporation. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

thank you for the offer. The key is from 15.7. he cannot decrypt the current backup. The old backups apparently still have an old key 2.....that would actually be more important than the new one. I have everything there. ... I will soon see that I try the decryption on my cell phone. However, the original cell phone is broken, so I would have to take another one, will that work? (Other IMEI) ....

You should get the key of today and the backup of today and try.

himan1000 commented 2 years ago

I was able to restore all backups despite different keys on the Whatsapp client.

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

No idea then, send me the files and I will take a look, the only case in which I can do something is that the key file format changed

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

Came back home and I have no internet. waiting for it to be repaired

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

@himan1000 Would you mind sending me your files via email?

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

Closing as stale. If WhatsApp decides to change your backup key, I can't do anything about it. Please only reopen if the program can't decrypt today's backup with today's key.

ElDavoo commented 2 years ago


ElDavoo commented 2 years ago

since when you need to comment to close the issue