ElDewrito / ElDorito

A Halo Online modification
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Cant join most games #456

Open es-romo opened 6 years ago

es-romo commented 6 years ago

Whenever I try to join any game using any method (console, discord and server browser) I get a message saying that the request has timed out but every once in a while I manage to join private servers but never dedicated ones, it feels much like the dedi bug.

Any idea on what may be causing this and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance

P.S. Im loving the little ive been able to play, youve done a great job

Update: I can join empty games

CALIBVN666 commented 6 years ago

I've been having the same issue, which I've posted about a couple posts down. Joining through console either gives me the 12002/0 or the 12029 Error. Joining through Server Browser either boots me or just tells me the game is full even when it has several empty slots. The only success I have with joining games is through Discord Invites, but even then they rarely work. The most frustrating scenario is when I actually do manage to join a game but I either stay stuck in the lobby while everybody loads in, or load up but be forced to stare at a black screen with the scoreboard while I could hear players talking and playing in the background. This very much feels like the dedi server bug and I hope they get to fixing it soon, because It's been 4 days and I haven't been able to play, which as you can imagine is extremely frustrating.

NoShotz commented 6 years ago

The full issue is likely due to the slots not updating live, there are a lot of people, so servers fill up fast. As for the slow loading issue, open the Console (F1 key) change the Game.FPSlimiter value to 0, then type writeconfig.

es-romo commented 6 years ago

That could be it but I seriously cant even join servers with 1/16 players in them, im now sure thats not the problem. Also I can host games with no issue. Sadly im not getting any anwsers in discord.

duckfudge commented 5 years ago

Bump. Experiencing the same issue.

FluffyToaster621 commented 5 years ago


raymand211092 commented 2 months ago
