ElMassimo / iles

🏝 The joyful site generator
MIT License
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Ideas for Improving Iles: Enhancing Usability and Expanding Features #276

Open TechAkayy opened 1 month ago

TechAkayy commented 1 month ago

Sharing some ideas (in no particular order) for Iles while they’re fresh in my memory (while working on the PR for Vite-5 update for Iles) for community feedback:

My need for Iles is based on these facts, I keep validating my understanding, so please share your ideas & opinions: :green_heart:

Beginner-Friendly Iles Documentation

client:visible - Iles doesn’t lazy-load dependencies as part of lazy-hydration while Astro does (JS downloading in the network tab when scrolling to the island + hydrating). Is there any advantage to the Astro way? For an interesting discussion, refer to this Discord thread.

Image Optimization

Data Fetching & Client Scripts

Crawler by Default with getStaticPaths for Custom/Finer Control

Abstracting Suspense

Site Manager Page (site.ts) & Basic Components

UnoCSS & TailwindCSS

Component Libraries

Custom Themes

Expand Markdown Authoring Support

Vue Reactivity, Pinia for Client-Side Reactivity

Vue DevTools - Developer Experience

Adoption of UnJS

Guide for contributors

Other ideas :innocent:

nick-cjyx9 commented 1 month ago

Totally agree with your ideas.

I think one of the main advantages of iles over Astro is that I can write components with Vue SFCs, and that is good for beginners like me to learn vue from scratch.

Here's my ideas:

Apart from installing the dependency, there is generally a second or third step; we could have a module cover this part.