ElMassimo / vite_ruby

⚡️ Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience
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Issue `sourcecodedir` always overriding vitest root configuration #334

Open cgaube opened 1 year ago

cgaube commented 1 year ago

Description 📖

vite-plugin-ruby sets the vite server root configuration https://vitejs.dev/config/shared-options.html#root from the configuration found in the json file sourceCodeDir

sourcecodedir is used for the aliases @ and ~ but also to fetch the list of assets/files to watch for rebuild. By default it is set to app/frontend

Because the plugin make it so vite.root = 'app/frontend' any paths sent via option to vite have to be relative to that folder This leads to issue with vitest with reporters paths but also include / excludes paths

npx vitest --reporter=./path/to/reporter.js  

in that example ./path/to/reporter.js is relative to sourcecodedir

Why is it an issue ?

In jetbrains IDE (like rubymine) when executing a vitest bin the IDE will send the reporter path relative to the root of the project which does not match the sourcecodedir and the IDE has no way (i dont think) to get that path value and set the right path for their custom reporters.


vitest --reporter=../../../../Applications/RubyMine.app/Contents/plugins/javascript-impl/helpers/vitest-intellij/node_modules/vitest-intellij-reporter-safe.js
Screenshot 2023-01-11 at 15 58 20

because root is now app/frontend the correct path for that reporter should be

../../../../../../Applications/RubyMine.app/Contents/plugins/javascript-impl/helpers/vitest-intellij/node_modules/vitest-intellij-safe.js (notice the extra ../../)

How can we make it work ?

a) we can use the vitest root configuration , unfortunately because it is configured via vite plugin and vitest plugin is executed BEFORE the ruby vite plugin the root configuration is always overridden by sourcecodedir

b) the project can use ./ as value for sourcecodedir -> problem ? bin/vite executable will take forever to execute because it now has to scan ALL files in your project in order to watch the files and trigger an automatic build of the asset on file change! -> other problem is all the fancy aliases @ and ~ now kindof pointless.

c) We could make it so ruby plugin does not set the root configuration on mode = test -> problem this will force people to specify a root in vite.config.js and not rely on sourcecodedir

d) And last solution which I ended up doing but is quite hacky, is to create a custom fixViteTestPlugin that will change back the root value to the one set by vitetest only when running tests.

const fixVitestPlugin = () => [
    name: 'vitest-fix',
    config: (userConfig) => (userConfig.mode == 'test' ? { root: userConfig.test.root } : {}),

export default defineConfig(({ mode }) => {
  return {
    server:  { ... }
    resolve: { ... }
    plugins: [rubyPlugin(), fixVitestPlugin()],
    test: {
      root: path.resolve(__dirname, './'),

That way i can have best of both world. using sourcecode dir for app/frontend and all my test are in ./specs and rubymine works

That is it for me. I am not too sure in what project this should be fixed, ruby vite ? vitest ? or just rubymine. Open to suggestion

Vite Ruby Info _Run `bin/rake vite:info` and provide the output:_ ``` bin/vite present?: true vite_ruby: 3.2.13 vite_rails: 3.0.13 rails: 7.0.4 node: v18.12.1 npm: 8.19.2 yarn: 1.22.19 pnpm: 7.24.3 ruby: ruby 3.1.2p20 (2022-04-12 revision 4491bb740a) [arm64-darwin21] ```
ElMassimo commented 1 year ago

Hi Christophe!

I think the most elegant way to fix this, is for Vitest to allow resolving reporter paths against process.cwd(), as a fallback.

Additionally, allowing to explicitly pass a root to Vitest that takes priority over Vite's root would solve the problem with include and exclude, similar to this fix.

For context, here are similar problems and fixes in other plugins: