ElMassimo / vite_ruby

⚡️ Vite.js in Ruby, bringing joy to your JavaScript experience
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`An import map is added after module script load was triggered` in console. #417

Open gomo opened 1 year ago

gomo commented 1 year ago

Description 📖

The following error message appears in the browser console.

An import map is added after module script load was triggered.
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "application". Relative references must start with either "/", ". /", or "... /".

Reproduction 🐞

Please provide a link to a repo that can reproduce the problem you ran into.


I did this.

rails new .
rails g controller vite index

I wrote gem vite_rails in my Gemfile.

bundle install
bundle exec vite install
bin/vite dev
bundle exec rails s

Open http://localhost:3000/vite/index in your browser.

Vite Ruby Info _Run `bin/rake vite:info` and provide the output:_ ``` bin/vite present?: true vite_ruby: 3.3.4 vite_rails: 3.0.17 rails: 7.1.1 node: v20.9.0 npm: 10.1.0 yarn: 1.22.19 Volta error: Could not find executable "pnpm" Use `volta install` to add a package to your toolchain (see `volta help install` for more info). Error details written to /Users/masamoto/.volta/log/volta-error-2023-11-09_11_42_23.247.log pnpm: ruby: ruby 3.2.0 (2022-12-25 revision a528908271) [arm64-darwin22] installed packages: vite_rails_report@ /Users/masamoto/Documents/repos/home/source/sites/vite_rails_report ├─┬ vite-plugin-ruby@3.2.2 │ └── vite@4.5.0 deduped └── vite@4.5.0 ```

Logs 📜

If not providing a reproduction:

Output _Run `DEBUG=vite-plugin-ruby:* bin/vite dev` or `DEBUG=vite-plugin-ruby:* bin/vite build` and provide the output:_ ``` vite-plugin-ruby:config { vite-plugin-ruby:config base: '/vite-dev/', vite-plugin-ruby:config build: { vite-plugin-ruby:config emptyOutDir: true, vite-plugin-ruby:config sourcemap: false, vite-plugin-ruby:config assetsDir: 'assets', vite-plugin-ruby:config manifest: true, vite-plugin-ruby:config outDir: '../../public/vite-dev', vite-plugin-ruby:config rollupOptions: { input: [Object], output: [Object] } vite-plugin-ruby:config }, vite-plugin-ruby:config envDir: '/Users/masamoto/Documents/repos/home/source/sites/vite_rails_report', vite-plugin-ruby:config root: '/Users/masamoto/Documents/repos/home/source/sites/vite_rails_report/app/javascript', vite-plugin-ruby:config server: { vite-plugin-ruby:config fs: { allow: [Array], strict: true }, vite-plugin-ruby:config host: 'localhost', vite-plugin-ruby:config https: false, vite-plugin-ruby:config port: 3036, vite-plugin-ruby:config strictPort: true, vite-plugin-ruby:config hmr: { clientPort: 3036 } vite-plugin-ruby:config }, vite-plugin-ruby:config entrypoints: { vite-plugin-ruby:config 'entrypoints/application.js': '/Users/masamoto/Documents/repos/home/source/sites/vite_rails_report/app/javascript/entrypoints/application.js' vite-plugin-ruby:config } vite-plugin-ruby:config } +0ms VITE v4.5.0 ready in 152 ms ➜ Local: http://localhost:3036/vite-dev/ ➜ press h to show help ```

Screenshots 📷

Provide console or browser screenshots of the problem.

Screenshot 2023-11-09 at 11 41 27
gomo commented 1 year ago
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
    <%= csrf_meta_tags %>
    <%= csp_meta_tag %>

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", "data-turbo-track": "reload" %>
    <%= javascript_importmap_tags %>
    <%= vite_client_tag %>
    <%= vite_javascript_tag 'application' %>
      If using a TypeScript entrypoint file:
        vite_typescript_tag 'application'

      If using a .jsx or .tsx entrypoint, add the extension:
        vite_javascript_tag 'application.jsx'

      Visit the guide for more information: https://vite-ruby.netlify.app/guide/rails


    <%= yield %>

If I remove the javascript_importmap_tags the errors stop appearing and it seems to be working fine, but I am not sure I should remove it as none of the documentation mentions it.

safakferhatkaya commented 9 months ago

Any news? I want to add Vite to an application that already uses importmap and stimulus, do I have to remove importmap?

avdept commented 9 months ago

Having same issue on 7.1

owaiswiz commented 9 months ago

This happens because when you include scripts from helpers like vite_javascript_tag (or really any module script using rails's javascript_include_tag helper), it will also preload those scripts by using early hints (setting the link header in the response).

When using importmaps, if you're also preloading a module script through the link header (or I'd assume even the link tag if you use it above the importmap definition) is not supported.

To "fix" (taking some perf hit), you can use the option preload_links_header: false when including module scripts, introduced here:

<%=  vite_client_tag(preload_links_header: false) %>
<%=  vite_javascript_tag('application', media: 'all', data: { turbolinks_track: true, turbo_track: 'reload' }, preload_links_header: false) %>
1c7 commented 3 weeks ago


# config/environments/development.rb

Rails.application.configure do
  # Disable `Link: ... rel=preload` header to workaround Safari caching bug
  # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193533
  config.action_view.preload_links_header = false
1c7 commented 3 weeks ago


I am using Ruby on Rails version 7.2 gem 'rails', '~> 7.2.0' and jsbundling-rails gem 'jsbundling-rails', '~> 1.3', '>= 1.3.1' with esbuild
and Vite Ruby (gem 'vite_rails', '~> 3.0', '>= 3.0.17') and importmaps gem 'importmap-rails', '~> 2.0', '>= 2.0.3'

I keep seeing error messages in Chrome Console

An import map is added after module script load was triggered.
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to resolve module specifier "application". Relative references must start with either "/", "./", or "../".

This solves the problem

# config/environments/development.rb

Rails.application.configure do
  # Disable `Link: ... rel=preload` header to workaround Safari caching bug
  # https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=193533
  config.action_view.preload_links_header = false