nvidia has an otpion the checke should use:
The GPU driver package uses the standard Installshield switches, To perform a silent install do the following:
-Run the driver downloaded from www.NVIDIA.com.
-Select a location to unzip the driver contents to.
-Navigate to the selected location, ex: C:\NVIDIA\DisplayDriver\270.61\Vista 64-bit\English.
-Use the "Setup.exe" located here to perfom the silent install or create an .iss file with the following switch of "-s".
nvidia has an otpion the checke should use: The GPU driver package uses the standard Installshield switches, To perform a silent install do the following:
-Run the driver downloaded from www.NVIDIA.com.
-Select a location to unzip the driver contents to.
-Navigate to the selected location, ex: C:\NVIDIA\DisplayDriver\270.61\Vista 64-bit\English.
-Use the "Setup.exe" located here to perfom the silent install or create an .iss file with the following switch of "-s".
-Open up the command prompt, Drag the "setup.exe" into the command prompt or type the location of "Setup.exe" at the end add, one space and "-s" or "/s" to perform a silent/unattended install of the NVIDIA GPU drivers. https://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/2985/~/how-can-i-perform-a-silent-install-of-the-gpu-driver%3F