Since v0.9.0 CPU opponent has much improved ("AdvancedCPU") and is already a big challenge to win against it. Nevertheless improvements or complete new CPU opponents are highly welcome!
Since v0.11.0 two great and very challenging CPUs ("MinimaxCPU" & "MonteCarloCPU") had been added by maksverver
Improve/add new CPU opponents - Contribution is highly welcome!
Very basic CPU opponent is available since v0.8.1 ("DummyCPU") and can be used as template for new implementations.
Manual for creating CPU opponents can be found in the wiki:
Since v0.9.0 CPU opponent has much improved ("AdvancedCPU") and is already a big challenge to win against it. Nevertheless improvements or complete new CPU opponents are highly welcome!
Since v0.11.0 two great and very challenging CPUs ("MinimaxCPU" & "MonteCarloCPU") had been added by maksverver