Open ElWanderer opened 8 years ago
Some slope detection code I put together based on Kevin Gisi's Kerbal Space Programming (episode 43):
// returns a normalised vector
PARAMETER lat, lng.
LOCAL spot IS LATLNG(lat, lng).
LOCAL spot_height IS spot:TERRAINHEIGHT.
LOCAL spot_v IS spot:ALTITUDEPOSITION(spot_height).
RETURN (spot:ALTITUDEPOSITION(spot_height * 2)-spot_v):NORMALIZED.
// returns a normalised vector, pointing normal to the apparent slope
// radius is in metres
PARAMETER lat, lng, radius IS 2.
LOCAL spot IS LATLNG(lat, lng).
LOCAL spot_height IS spot:TERRAINHEIGHT.
LOCAL spot_v IS spot:ALTITUDEPOSITION(spot_height).
LOCAL spot_up_v IS (spot:ALTITUDEPOSITION(spot_height * 2)-spot_v):NORMALIZED.
LOCAL north_mod IS 0.01.
IF lat > (90-north_mod) { SET north_mod TO -north_mod. }
LOCAL spot_north_v IS VXCL(spot_up_v, (LATLNG(lat+north_mod,lng):POSITION-spot_v):NORMALIZED.
LOCAL spot_east_v IS VCRS(spot_north_v, spot_up_v).
// spots 1, 2 and 3 form an equilateral triangle, 'radius' metres from the centre spot.
// spot1 is 'radius' metres North of the centre spot.
LOCAL spot1 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + (radius * spot_north_v)).
// spots 2 and 3 are 0.5 (sin(30) 'radius' metres South of the centre spot.
// spots 2 and 3 are SQRT(3)/2 (cos(30) 'radius' metres East or West of the centre spot.
LOCAL spot_south_mod_v IS (-0.5 * radius * spot_north_v).
LOCAL spot_east_mod_v IS ((SQRT(3)/2) * radius * spot_east_v).
LOCAL spot2 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + spot_south_mod_v + spot_east_mod_v).
LOCAL spot3 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + spot_south_mod_v - spot_east_mod_v).
RETURN VCRS(spot2_v - spot1_v, spot3_v - spot1_v):NORMALIZED.
FUNCTION slopeAngle
// radius is in metres
PARAMETER lat, lng, radius IS 2.
RETURN VANG(slopeAt(lat, lng, radius), upAt(lat, lng)).
These functions can be called to get the local slope where we are predicting we will land, but could also be called multiple times at a variety of spots to get a feel for the bumpiness of an area.
...and here's a rewrite!
FUNCTION spotDetails
// returns a list consisting of:
// [0]: the position vector for the spot
// [1]: the up vector at that spot
// [2]: the terrainheight at the spot
PARAMETER lat, lng.
LOCAL spot IS LATLNG(lat, lng).
LOCAL spot_height IS spot:TERRAINHEIGHT.
LOCAL spot_v IS spot:ALTITUDEPOSITION(spot_height).
LOCAL up_v IS (spot:ALTITUDEPOSITION(spot_height * 2)-spot_v):NORMALIZED.
RETURN LIST(spot_v, up_v, spot_height).
FUNCTION slopeDetails
// returns a list consisting of:
// [0]: the position vector for the spot
// [1]: the local up vector
// [2]: the terrainheight at the spot
// [3]: a normalised vector, pointing normal to the apparent slope
// [4]: the angle between [0] and [1]
// radius is in metres
PARAMETER lat, lng, radius IS 2.
LOCAL spot_details IS spotDetails(lat,lng).
LOCAL spot_v IS spot_details[0].
LOCAL spot_up_v IS spot_details[1].
// if very close to the North Pole, use a South-facing vector instead of North
// (this will also result in the East vector pointing West)
LOCAL north_mod IS 0.01.
IF lat > (90-north_mod) { SET north_mod TO -north_mod. }
LOCAL spot_north_v IS VXCL(spot_up_v, (LATLNG(lat+north_mod,lng):POSITION-spot_v):NORMALIZED.
LOCAL spot_east_v IS VCRS(spot_up_v, spot_north_v).
// spots 1, 2 and 3 form an equilateral triangle, 'radius' metres from the centre spot.
// spot1 is radius metres North of the centre spot (unless .
LOCAL spot1 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + (radius * spot_north_v)).
// spots 2 and 3 are 0.5 (sin(30) 'radius' metres South of the centre spot.
// spots 2 and 3 are SQRT(3)/2 (cos(30) 'radius' metres East or West of the centre spot.
LOCAL spot_south_mod_v IS (-0.5 * radius * spot_north_v).
LOCAL spot_east_mod_v IS ((SQRT(3)/2) * radius * spot_east_v).
LOCAL spot2 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + spot_south_mod_v + spot_east_mod_v).
LOCAL spot3 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + spot_south_mod_v - spot_east_mod_v).
LOCAL slope_v IS VCRS(spot2_v - spot1_v, spot3_v - spot1_v):NORMALIZED.
spot_details:ADD(VANG(slope_v, spot_up_v)).
RETURN spot_details.
FUNCTION slopeAngle
// radius is in metres
PARAMETER lat, lng, radius IS 2.
RETURN slopeDetails(lat, lng, radius)[4].
// test functions
FUNCTION drawSlope
PARAMETER slope_details.
LOCAL spot_v IS slope_details[0].
LOCAL spot_slope_v IS slope_details[3].
LOCAL spot_slope_ang IS ROUND(slope_details[4],1).
VECDRAW(spot_v, 5 * spot_slope_v, RGB(1,1,0), "Slope: "+spot_slope_ang, 1, TRUE).
FUNCTION drawSlopesNearCraft
// dist is in metres
// steps must be odd - it will be incremented if necessary
// steps^2 samples will be taken
PARAMETER dist IS 10, steps IS 7.
IF MOD(steps,2) = 0 { SET steps TO steps + 1. }
LOCAL range_boundary IS (steps-1)/2.
// counters/trackers
LOCAL min_height IS 99999.
LOCAL max_height IS -99999.
LOCAL total_height IS 0.
LOCAL min_slope IS 90.
LOCAL max_slope IS 0.
LOCAL total_slope IS 0.
LOCAL count IS 0.
// Cycle through a range of nearby latitudes and longitudes
// On Kerbin, at the equator, the distance bewteen two points 1 degree apart is 10472m
// (the circumference, 2 * PI * 600000m, divided by 360).
// Try to make the new values 'dist' m apart.
// (they will be closer than this away from the equator, though)
LOCAL adjust IS (BODY:RADIUS * CONSTANT:PI / 180) / dist.
FOR x IN RANGE (-range_boundary,range_boundary+1,1) {
LOCAL new_lat IS lat + (x/adjust).
FOR y IN RANGE (-range_boundary,range_boundary+1,1) {
LOCAL new_lng IS lng + (y/adjust).
SET count TO count + 1.
LOCAL slope_details IS slopeDetails(new_lat, new_lng).
LOCAL height IS slope_details[2].
IF height < min_height { SET min_height TO height. }
IF height > max_height { SET max_height TO height. }
SET total_height TO total_height + height.
LOCAL ang IS slope_details[4].
IF ang < min_slope { SET min_slope TO ang. }
IF ang > max_slope { SET max_slope TO ang. }
SET total_slope TO total_slope + ang.
IF count > 0 {
pOut("Minimum terrain height: " + ROUND(min_height) + "m.").
pOut("Maximum terrain height: " + ROUND(max_height) + "m.").
pOut("Average terrain height: " + ROUND(total_height / count) + "m.").
pOut("Minimum slope angle: " + ROUND(min_slope, 1) + " degrees.").
pOut("Maximum slope angle: " + ROUND(max_slope, 1) + " degrees.").
pOut("Average slope angle: " + ROUND(total_slope / count, 1) + " degrees.").
and another go!
// requires our common init files
// requires lib_geo.ks
FUNCTION spotDetails
// returns a list consisting of:
// [0]: the position vector for the spot
// [1]: the up vector at that spot
// [2]: the terrainheight at the spot
PARAMETER lat, lng.
LOCAL spot IS LATLNG(lat, lng).
LOCAL spot_height IS spot:TERRAINHEIGHT.
LOCAL spot_v IS spot:ALTITUDEPOSITION(spot_height).
LOCAL up_v IS (spot:ALTITUDEPOSITION(spot_height * 2)-spot_v):NORMALIZED.
RETURN LIST(spot_v, up_v, spot_height).
FUNCTION slopeDetails
// returns a list consisting of:
// [0]: the position vector for the spot
// [1]: the local up vector
// [2]: the terrainheight at the spot
// [3]: a normalised vector, pointing normal to the apparent slope
// [4]: the angle between [0] and [1]
// radius is in metres
PARAMETER lat, lng, radius IS 2.
LOCAL spot_details IS spotDetails(lat,lng).
LOCAL spot_v IS spot_details[0].
LOCAL spot_up_v IS spot_details[1].
// if very close to the North Pole, use a South-facing vector instead of North
// (this will also result in the East vector pointing West)
LOCAL north_mod IS 0.01.
IF lat > (90-north_mod) { SET north_mod TO -north_mod. }
LOCAL spot_north_v IS VXCL(spot_up_v, (LATLNG(lat+north_mod,lng):POSITION-spot_v):NORMALIZED.
LOCAL spot_east_v IS VCRS(spot_up_v, spot_north_v).
// spots 1, 2 and 3 form an equilateral triangle, 'radius' metres from the centre spot.
// spot1 is radius metres North of the centre spot (unless .
LOCAL spot1 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + (radius * spot_north_v)).
// spots 2 and 3 are 0.5 (sin(30) 'radius' metres South of the centre spot.
// spots 2 and 3 are SQRT(3)/2 (cos(30) 'radius' metres East or West of the centre spot.
LOCAL spot_south_mod_v IS (-0.5 * radius * spot_north_v).
LOCAL spot_east_mod_v IS ((SQRT(3)/2) * radius * spot_east_v).
LOCAL spot2 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + spot_south_mod_v + spot_east_mod_v).
LOCAL spot3 IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + spot_south_mod_v - spot_east_mod_v).
LOCAL slope_v IS VCRS(spot2_v - spot1_v, spot3_v - spot1_v):NORMALIZED.
spot_details:ADD(VANG(slope_v, spot_up_v)).
RETURN spot_details.
FUNCTION slopeAngle
// radius is in metres
PARAMETER lat, lng, radius IS 2.
RETURN slopeDetails(lat, lng, radius)[4].
FUNCTION downhillVector
// returns a horizontal vector that points "downhill"
PARAMETER slope_details.
LOCAL spot_up_v IS slope_details[1].
LOCAL spot_slope_v IS slope_details[3].
RETURN VXCL(spot_up_v, spot_slope_v):NORMALIZED.
FUNCTION findLowSlope
// max_slope_ang is in degrees
// radius is in metres
PARAMETER max_slope_ang IS 5, lat IS SHIP:LATITUDE, lng IS SHIP:LONGITUDE, radius IS 2.
pOut("findLowSlope() called with parameters:").
pOut(" Max slope angle: " + max_slope_ang + " degrees.").
pOut(" Latitude: " + new_spot:LAT).
pOut(" Longitude: " + new_spot:LAT).
pOut(" Radius: " + radius + "m.").
LOCAL spots_to_keep IS 5.
LOCAL max_stuck_count IS 2.
LOCAL new_spot IS LATLNG(lat,lng).
LOCAL visited_spots IS LIST(new_spot).
LOCAL stuck_count IS 0.
LOCAL slope_details IS slopeDetails(new_spot:LAT, new_spot:LNG, radius).
LOCAL slope_ang IS slope_details[4].
UNTIL slope_ang < max_slope_ang {
// go 'radius' * ('angle' / 'max_ang')^2 metres down the slope (i.e. jump further
// if the slope is further from being acceptable)
LOCAL spot_v IS slope_details[0].
LOCAL dh_v_unit IS downhillVector(slope_details).
LOCAL dh_v IS radius * (slope_ang / max_slope_ang)^2 * dh_v_unit.
LOCAL new_spot IS BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v+dh_v).
// compare new_spot to recent spots we have visited (except the most recent)
// if we keep finding ourselves near the same spot, jump away
LOCAL spot_ok IS TRUE.
LOCAL point_count IS 0.
FOR visited_spot IN visited_spots {
SET point_count TO point_count + 1.
IF spot_ok AND point_count < visited_spots:LENGTH AND
greatCircleDistance(BODY, visited_spot, new_spot) < radius {
SET stuck_count TO stuck_count + 1.
SET spot_ok TO FALSE.
IF spot_ok {
// remove oldest list members until we have space to add the latest point
UNTIL visited_spots:LENGTH < spots_to_keep { visited_spots:REMOVE(0). }
} ELSE {
pOut("*** Think we are stuck. Jumping " + stuck_count + " kilometres away. ***").
// jump 'stuck_count' kilometres in a random direction
LOCAL spot_up_v IS slope_details[1].
LOCAL random_rot IS ANGLEAXIS(RANDOM()*360, spot_up_v).
SET dh_v TO stuck_count * 1000 * dh_v_unit.
SET new_spot TO BODY:GEOPOSITIONOF(spot_v + (random_rot * dh_v)).
// clear out list of visited spots
LOCAL prev_lat IS new_spot:LAT.
LOCAL prev_lng IS new_spot:LNG.
LOCAL prev_spot_v IS slope_details[0].
SET slope_details TO slopeDetails(new_spot:LAT, new_spot:LNG, radius).
SET slope_ang TO slope_details[4].
LOCAL diff_v IS slope_details[0]-prev_spot_v.
pOut("New spot:").
pOut(" Slope angle: " + ROUND(slope_ang,2) + " degrees.").
pOut(" Latitude: " + new_spot:LAT).
pOut(" Longitude: " + new_spot:LAT).
LOCAL spot_dist IS greatCircleDistance(BODY, LATLNG(prev_lat,prev_lng), new_spot).
pOut(" Distance from previous spot: " + ROUND(spot_dist,1) + "m.").
VECDRAW(prev_spot_v, diff_v, RGB(1,0,0), "Jump: "+ROUND(spot_dist,1)+"m", 1, TRUE).
pOut("findLowSlope() returning spot:").
pOut(" Slope angle: " + ROUND(slope_ang,2) + " degrees.").
pOut(" Latitude: " + new_spot:LAT).
pOut(" Longitude: " + new_spot:LAT).
LOCAL spot_dist IS greatCircleDistance(BODY, LATLNG(lat,lng), new_spot).
pOut(" Distance from input spot: " + ROUND(spot_dist) + "m.").
RETURN new_spot.
// test functions
FUNCTION drawSlope
PARAMETER slope_details.
LOCAL spot_v IS slope_details[0].
LOCAL spot_slope_v IS slope_details[3].
LOCAL spot_slope_ang IS ROUND(slope_details[4],1).
VECDRAW(spot_v, 5 * spot_slope_v, RGB(1,1,0), "Slope: "+spot_slope_ang, 1, TRUE).
FUNCTION drawSlopesNearCraft
// dist is in metres
// steps must be odd - it will be incremented if necessary
// steps^2 samples will be taken
PARAMETER dist IS 10, steps IS 7.
IF MOD(steps,2) = 0 { SET steps TO steps + 1. }
LOCAL range_boundary IS (steps-1)/2.
// counters/trackers
LOCAL min_height IS 99999.
LOCAL max_height IS -99999.
LOCAL total_height IS 0.
LOCAL min_slope IS 90.
LOCAL max_slope IS 0.
LOCAL total_slope IS 0.
LOCAL count IS 0.
// Cycle through a range of nearby latitudes and longitudes
// On Kerbin, at the equator, the distance bewteen two points 1 degree apart is 10472m
// Try to make the new values 'dist' m apart.
// (they will be closer than this away from the equator, though)
LOCAL adjust IS (BODY:RADIUS * CONSTANT:PI / 180) / dist.
FOR x IN RANGE (-range_boundary,range_boundary+1,1) {
LOCAL new_lat IS lat + (x/adjust).
FOR y IN RANGE (-range_boundary,range_boundary+1,1) {
LOCAL new_lng IS lng + (y/adjust).
SET count TO count + 1.
LOCAL slope_details IS slopeDetails(new_lat, new_lng).
LOCAL height IS slope_details[2].
IF height < min_height { SET min_height TO height. }
IF height > max_height { SET max_height TO height. }
SET total_height TO total_height + height.
LOCAL ang IS slope_details[4].
IF ang < min_slope { SET min_slope TO ang. }
IF ang > max_slope { SET max_slope TO ang. }
SET total_slope TO total_slope + ang.
IF count > 0 {
pOut("Minimum terrain height: " + ROUND(min_height) + "m.").
pOut("Maximum terrain height: " + ROUND(max_height) + "m.").
pOut("Average terrain height: " + ROUND(total_height / count) + "m.").
pOut("Minimum slope angle: " + ROUND(min_slope, 1) + " degrees.").
pOut("Maximum slope angle: " + ROUND(max_slope, 1) + " degrees.").
pOut("Average slope angle: " + ROUND(total_slope / count, 1) + " degrees.").
The lander script currently disables the steering after landing. If the slope is too great, we'll fall over. We should detect that we're falling and abort to lift off.
It should be possible to get a position vector to each landing leg and get the local terrain height. From that we can determine a slope and decide if it is too much.
Currently we're taking an alternative approach of calculating the slope of the terrain and aiming at a spot with a low slope angle, wrapped up with issue #14. This issue should remain, however, as checking we're not about to fall over is still a good thing to do.