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[EVT-02M] Incorrect Calculation of AMPL Dust #94

Open stalker474 opened 2 weeks ago

stalker474 commented 2 weeks ago

EVT-02M: Incorrect Calculation of AMPL Dust

Type Severity Location
Logical Fault ElasticVault.sol:L421-L424, L444


The ElasticVault::sell function will incorrectly calculate the AMPL dust funds to refund to the token_storage contract as it will transfer them prior to disbursing the for_treasury amount.

This results in the ElasticVault::sell function transmitting funds meant for users to the treasury incorrectly.


All ElasticVault::sell operations will tap into AMPL tokens meant for other purposes due to an incorrect dust refund statement being executed prior to all AMPL tokens being utilized.


function sell(uint256 minimalExpectedEEFI, uint256 minimalExpectedOHM) external nonReentrant() _onlyTrader returns (uint256 eefi_purchased, uint256 ohm_purchased) {
    uint256 balance = ampl_token.balanceOf(address(token_storage));
    uint256 for_eefi = balance.mul(TRADE_POSITIVE_EEFI_100).divDown(100);
    uint256 for_ohm = balance.mul(TRADE_POSITIVE_OHM_100).divDown(100);
    uint256 for_treasury = balance.mul(TRADE_POSITIVE_TREASURY_100).divDown(100);

    uint256 ampl_balance = ampl_token.balanceOf(address(this));

    ampl_token.approve(address(trader), for_eefi.add(for_ohm));
    // buy EEFI
    eefi_purchased = trader.sellAMPLForEEFI(for_eefi, minimalExpectedEEFI);
    // buy OHM
    ohm_purchased = trader.sellAMPLForOHM(for_ohm, minimalExpectedOHM);
    // send AMPL dust back to the token_storage so shares accounting remains correct to the dot
    uint256 ampl_dust = ampl_token.balanceOf(address(this)).sub(ampl_balance);
    if(ampl_dust > 0) {
        ampl_token.safeTransfer(address(token_storage), ampl_dust);

    // 10% of purchased EEFI is sent to the DAO Treasury.
    IERC20(address(eefi_token)).safeTransfer(treasury, eefi_purchased.mul(TREASURY_EEFI_100).divDown(100));
    // burn the rest
    uint256 to_burn = eefi_token.balanceOf(address(this));
    emit Burn(to_burn);

    // distribute ohm to vaults
    uint256 to_rewards = ohm_purchased.mul(TRADE_POSITIVE_OHM_REWARDS_100).divDown(100);
    uint256 to_lp_staking = ohm_purchased.mul(TRADE_POSITIVE_LPSTAKING_100).divDown(100);
    ohm_token.approve(address(rewards_ohm), to_rewards);
    rewards_ohm.distribute(to_rewards, address(this));
    ohm_token.safeTransfer(address(staking_pool), to_lp_staking);

    // distribute the remainder of OHM to the DAO treasury
    ohm_token.safeTransfer(treasury, ohm_token.balanceOf(address(this)));
    // distribute the remainder of AMPL to the DAO treasury
    ampl_token.safeTransfer(treasury, for_treasury);


We advise the system to perform the for_treasury transfer prior to the ampl_dust code block, ensuring that any AMPL that was not sold is properly refunded to the token_storage contract.

stalker474 commented 2 weeks ago

good catch, thanks