Closed jizzy002 closed 5 years ago
I have the same issue, but with all modules
I've tried sandhook and yahfa, along with 4 different modules and they all have the same issue. I can also confirm that the "base.apk" files referenced exist. I'm using Magisk v19.2 (canary, but occurs on beta/stable too)
My logs:
--------- beginning of head
EdXposed Log
Powered by Log Catcher
QQ chat group 855219808
--------- beginning of system info
Android version: 9
Android sdk: 28
Android build: PQ2A.190405.003
Fingerprint: motorola/ali/ali:9/PPS29.55-24/a37fd:user/release-keys
ROM build description: ali-userdebug 9 PQ2A.190405.003 eng.cody.20190506.130900 test-keys
EdXposed Version: (4120)
Architecture: armeabi-v7a
Device: ali
Manufacture: motorola
Brand: motorola
Product: ali
--------- beginning of main
--------- beginning of system
--------- beginning of crash
05-07 22:02:10.076 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: onModuleLoaded: welcome to EdXposed!
05-07 22:02:10.076 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: start to install inline hooks
05-07 22:02:10.076 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: install riru hook
05-07 22:02:10.099 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: riru hooks installed
05-07 22:02:10.099 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: using api level 28
05-07 22:02:10.117 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: using installer
05-07 22:02:10.117 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: black/white list mode: 0, using whitelist: 0
05-07 22:02:10.117 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: dynamic modules mode: 0
05-07 22:02:10.126 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: classLinkerCst hooked
05-07 22:02:10.126 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: heapPreFork hooked.
05-07 22:02:10.126 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: disableHiddenAPIPolicyImpl done.
05-07 22:02:10.126 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: install inline hooks done
05-07 22:02:10.139 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: system_property_get: dalvik.vm.dex2oat-filter -> quicken
05-07 22:02:10.139 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: system_property_get: dalvik.vm.dex2oat-flags -> --inline-max-code-units=0
05-07 22:02:10.344 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: classLinkerCst starts
05-07 22:02:10.344 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: class_linker_ changed from 0x0 to 0xa9956d80
05-07 22:02:10.344 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Core-Native: classLinkerCst finishes
05-07 22:02:12.991 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Bridge: using HookProvider: com.elderdrivers.riru.edxp.sandhook.config.SandHookProvider
05-07 22:02:13.155 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.oasisfeng.greenify-Qm3syJMlaS0CV5otfykhkw==/base.apk
05-07 22:02:13.155 1859 1859 E EdXposed-Bridge: File does not exist
05-07 22:02:13.155 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.ceco.pie.gravitybox-F0kU-avE8hJh4rd7XcogUg==/base.apk
05-07 22:02:13.155 1859 1859 E EdXposed-Bridge: File does not exist
05-07 22:02:13.155 1859 1859 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/dev.ukanth.ufirewall-XnKjKJOW0TxRJHEL_hxC_g==/base.apk
05-07 22:02:13.155 1859 1859 E EdXposed-Bridge: File does not exist
05-08 08:09:57.070 5613 5657 I XposedInstaller: RepoLoader -> Downloaded with status 2 (error: Downloading failed: timeout), size 16131 bytes
Issue unknown, closing due to lack of replies
You say you can't fix it what is issue unknown. It's already been specified that edxposed is unable to load modules.
EdXposed not recognising one module, log attached.
EdXposed: Riru: v18
--------- beginning of head EdXposed Log Powered by Log Catcher QQ chat group 855219808 --------- beginning of system info Android version: 9 Android sdk: 28 Android build: PQ2A.190405.003 Fingerprint: htc/himaulatt_na_gen_unlock/htc_himaulatt:7.0/NRD90M/894012.12:user/release-keys ROM build description: 4.30.617.12 CL894012 release-keys EdXposed Version: (4120) Architecture: arm64-v8a Device: himaul Manufacture: HTC Brand: htc Product: himaul --------- beginning of main --------- beginning of system 05-07 22:19:56.038 841 841 I EdXposed-Bridge: using HookProvider: com.elderdrivers.riru.edxp.sandhook.config.SandHookProvider 05-07 22:19:56.191 841 841 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.ihelp101.instagram-j0EhTFFr36KBXqxBZWGdTg==/base.apk 05-07 22:19:56.191 841 841 E EdXposed-Bridge: File does not exist 05-07 22:20:08.709 842 842 I EdXposed-Bridge: using HookProvider: com.elderdrivers.riru.edxp.sandhook.config.SandHookProvider 05-07 22:20:08.977 842 842 I EdXposed-Bridge: Loading modules from /data/app/com.ihelp101.instagram-j0EhTFFr36KBXqxBZWGdTg==/base.apk 05-07 22:20:08.978 842 842 E EdXposed-Bridge: File does not exist