ElderDrivers / EdXposed

Elder driver Xposed Framework.
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[Question] Is it possible to make EdXposed work without Magisk? #532

Open LuigiVampa92 opened 4 years ago

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, great thanks for your amazing work. I’m pretty new to EdXposed and I'm sorry to make an issue here but I could not find the answer anywhere else. I am interested - is it possible to make EdXposed work without Magisk?

I know that previous versions of Xposed up to android 8 were flashable and I could just sideload them on device as any other zip file in TWRP. What is the problem to do the same thing with new EdXposed for android 9 and 10?

What I am trying to achieve is to take my OnePlus 5T, flash it with LOS16 and then flash it with EdXposed zip. Currently I can flash the LOS16, flash magisk, and then in Magisk Manager install Riru Core and Riru EdXposed modules (I use RiruCore v21.0 and EdXposed v0.4.6.2 YAHFA). It works perfect. But I would like to try to replace magisk modules with flashable zip files.

I’m not trying to hide the fact of installed EdXposed on device. It’s complitley ok if its files will be persisted and visible in /system. I’m also not worried that I will not be able to pass SafetyNet as well.

I have taken a brief look at the structure of magisk modules. RiruCore module contains modified versions of libmemtrack.so for /system/lib and /system/lib64 and zygote_restart binary. EdXposed module contains a few jars for /system/framework and a few more libs for /system/lib and /system/lib64. I have made a TWRP-flashable zip that replaces libmemtrack.so and puts the necessary files of EdXposed in lib, lib64 and framework. When I load into the system EdXposed Manager shows me a yellow warning saying that "EdXposed is installed but not activated". I have checked the EdXposed Manager app under debugger and XposedApp.getActiveXposedVersion() return -1 (which means that the method call is not hooked by Xposed framework). I have suspicions that it happens because EdXposed tries to locate RIRU_PATH which is /data/misc/riru and because of that it doesn’t work. That RIRU_PATH folder contains only a small pieces of metadata. Nothing seems to be important there except for "zygote_restart" binary. I have tried to create those directories and copy files in /data/misc/riru manually but for some reason my device falls into a bootloop. It happened when I created and copied the files by flashable zip in TWRP and also when I did so by adb shell in normally loaded system.

So, maybe some of you have tried to make the same stuff and succeeded? Or perhaps you know why modifying /data/misc causes the system to bootloop? My final goal is to install EdXposed straight into /system. I will be very grateful for any useful information. Thanks!

XspeedPL commented 4 years ago

You're mostly correct, first you need to put files normally unpacked into Magisk directories directly into system. But after that you need to execute installer scripts, which need to be modified to use system paths instead of Magisk. It is of course doable and EdXposed should work, but it's tedious. I understand you want to keep the BL locked, yes?

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

You're mostly correct, first you need to put files normally unpacked into Magisk directories directly into system. But after that you need to execute installer scripts, which need to be modified to use system paths instead of Magisk. It is of course doable and EdXposed should work, but it's tedious. I understand you want to keep the BL locked, yes?

Thanks for reply. Yes, my final goal is to lock the BL with EdXposed actually installed and working. As far as I can suggest once installed EdXposed will not make any changes to /system directly, only to /data, but data is not processed by verified boot.

It seems that I did the first part by putting EdXposed jars and libs and modified libmemtrack.so into /system but it I don't know where to use that zygote_restart binary. As far as I know, previous versions used modified app_process binaries, but it seems not to be the case of EdXposed for android 9+. Also I'm not sure how can I apply sepolicies from installer scripts, since they use Magisk's su_policy feature and I'm not sure how can I apply that without it. (by applying set_metadata?). So yes, I'm stuck at installer scripts on stage 2 and my poor knowledge of android does not let me even estimate is it possible to do all this staff at all? Maybe it uses some magisk features that cannot be performed without it

MlgmXyysd commented 4 years ago

Good idea, but two questions 1, Riru Core without Magisk 2, SELinux Policy

XspeedPL commented 4 years ago

AFAIK zygote_restart is put into one of the *bin directories and/or symlinked. Search the repo for references.

Simply running Riru without Magisk is trivial, put files, run modified scripts, done.

As for the sepolicy stuff, the easiest way around, since the guy doesn't care about SN, you could just setenforce 0.

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

Good idea, but two questions 1, Riru Core without Magisk 2, SELinux Policy

Thanks for reply. That is exactly the trickiest part, I believe

AFAIK zygote_restart is put into one of the *bin directories and/or symlinked. Search the repo for references.

Sounds like a good idea. I will try to do that. Btw is there a way to make a check to be sure that Riru Core works as intended? Can I check it somehow?

As for the sepolicy stuff, the easiest way around, since the guy doesn't care about SN, you could just setenforce 0.

If I get that right there are no tricky se_contexts for Riru Core, just 0 0 0644 for everything. But when it comes to EdXposed there are a dedicated sepolicy.rule file that is applied by Magisk supolicy tool. sepolicy.rule contains this:

allow system_server system_server process {execmem}
allow system_server system_server memprotect {mmap_zero}
allow coredomain coredomain process {execmem}
allow coredomain app_data_file * *
attradd {system_app platform_app} mlstrustedsubject
allow zygote apk_data_file * *

I'm not sure how can I apply it manually. Would be very grateful for some hints. Thank you!

XspeedPL commented 4 years ago

Btw is there a way to make a check to be sure that Riru Core works as intended? Can I check it somehow?

There is a Riru companion app that can verify if Riru is loaded.

But when it comes to EdXposed there are a dedicated sepolicy.rule file that is applied by Magisk supolicy tool. sepolicy.rule contains this: [snip] I'm not sure how can I apply it manually.

If you don't want to disable SELinux, you can use the supolicy tool (shipped with Magisk) to apply the policies at runtime, for example using init.d mechanism or similar. Look at old post-fs-data.sh to see how to use it.

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

There is a Riru companion app that can verify if Riru is loaded.

Thank you. Found and ran that app. Now I have a litmus test for correct Riru Core installation. Going to try it and also try to figure out what to do with SE policies.

Great thanks again for your advices and help guys, going to check all this at weekend

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, I’ve got a certain advance in what I am trying to achieve, but I have got stuck and I'm looking for your advice again.


I use Riru Core v21.0 because in further versions the binary is renamed in order to hide from security checks and I just want the simpliest possible case for now.

So I have made these steps to install Riru Core in /system:

on post-fs-data
    start zygote_restart

service zygote_restart /system/bin/zygote_restart
    user root
    group root

It does basically the same thing as magisk’s post-fs-data.sh

After that I run the Riru companion app and it seems to work well. The output is the same when I install RiruCore and EdXposed as magisk modules and everything truly looks fine with this step:

Riru Unknown (version code 33) found.
Native methods of Zygote class replaced.

nativeForkAndSpecialize calls count: 45
nativeForkSystemServer calls count: 1
nativeSpecializeAppProcess calls count: 0

Everything looks fine :D


Now since EdXposed requires complicated se policies to be applied I have decided to turn SELinux off for the test. For that I have made a script in /system/etc/init.d/08setperm with following content:


setenforce 0

It puts SELinux into permissive mode on system boot and I get a notification from LOS "Trust" that "SELinux is not enforcing, your security has been weakened" right after system has launched. getenforce also returns Permissive. So, everything looks fine with this step as well.


Now I take EdXposed-YAHFA-v0., and copy its jars into /system/framework and its libs into /system/lib and /system/lib64 respectively. I also manually added the following values to /system/build.props:


When I run EdXposed Manager it still gives me a yellow warning that tells "EdXposed is installed but not active" and tells me to check logs. I have checked in debugger, the XposedApp.getActiveXposedVersion() method is still not hooked by Xposed and returns default -1 value.


So the final result is still the same: EdXposed does not work (methods are not hooked), modules do not work as well (I tried to run XPrivacyLua), also no edxposed manager logs are saved into /data/user_de/0/org.meowcat.edxposed.manager/log (I think that I need to have magisk installed on the device to make them actually save)


Well. Here is where I have got stuck this time. So I wanted to ask you guys:

  1. What could go wrong?
  2. Is there a way I can get more debug info from Riru Core and EdXposed? Maybe I can build these libs and jars from source with some flags or modifications that will allow me to see more info about what is happening inside?

Thank you again for your great help! Without you I would stuck at the very beginning :) I will be very grateful for any useful information

XspeedPL commented 4 years ago

Seems like you didn't register the EdXposed module with Riru. One of the install scripts puts the module information to /data/misc/riru

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reply, @XspeedPL !

That is true. For now I used to avoid to use /data/misc/riru directory at all. I’m afraid that problem could be deeper than that. /data/misc/riru contains nothing but small metadata, mostly magisk modules versions and definitions. The only important thing there is zygote_restart but I successfully managed to move it to /system/bin. Riru core itself seems to work fine without /data/mis/riru and I have found no mentions of this directory in EdXposed code. Looks like EdXposed does not care about this directory as well. It just utilises modified libmemtrack and Zygote hook methods. As far as I can get EdXposed does not rely on any files in /data/misc/riru.

But what I truly could miss is the fact that Riru Core naturally searches for something in that directory. I haven’t looked carefully at Riru code yet but probably it can contain some mechanisms to restrict usage of modified libmemtrack only to whitelist modules and others get unmodified libmemtrack_real instead.

I will check it out. Thank you

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

Actually just took a brief look at Riru Core code, especially at redirect_memtrack.cpp and it seems that you are right. The problem is that Riru Core puts libmemtrack inside /data/misc/riru and expects to find it there in runtime. It uses this location when decides whether it should redirect calls to original libmemtrack to modified libmemtrack or not. So in my case there is nothing there and that's why all calls do not route to modified libmemtrack, so EdXposed manager is present in /system/framework but cannot access modified Riru's libmemtrack!

I gonna test it out at weekend but it seems that all I need to do is to modify paths in cpp code of Riru core and build modified libmemtrack from source

MlgmXyysd commented 4 years ago

@LuigiVampa92 no you cannot avoid that, Riru read /data/misc/riru to load modules

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

So I actually made it, guys.

I have took Riru core v21.2 code and changed it a little to make it use no configs at all but instead to load required modules manually. Basically just removed anything related to reading configs, removed load_modules() function and added function load_module(const char* module_name, int module_api_level). Also removed the logic of renaming libmemtrack_real.so since I don't hide from SafetyNet. In the end I have built a modified libmemtrack.so that does not rely on configs and loads the only module - edxp.

EdXposed now runs well on my device. I have tested a few modules and they all function correctly. There are also no troubles when I wipe data partition in recovery mode. The system recovers well and EdXposed works there again with no trouble.

The only downside is that I have to set SELinux permissive on boot with init.d script, otherwise the system will not boot. I guess that if I want to run it with SELinux enforcing I will have to build the ROM myself, because I haven't managed to find tools that would allow to patch se policies without using magisk.

Thank you again for your help guys!

msgpo commented 4 years ago

So I actually made it, guys.

I have took Riru core v21.2 code and changed it a little to make it use no configs at all but instead to load required modules manually. Basically just removed anything related to reading configs, removed load_modules() function and added function load_module(const char* module_name, int module_api_level). Also removed the logic of renaming libmemtrack_real.so since I don't hide from SafetyNet. In the end I have built a modified libmemtrack.so that does not rely on configs and loads the only module - edxp.

EdXposed now runs well on my device. I have tested a few modules and they all function correctly. There are also no troubles when I wipe data partition in recovery mode. The system recovers well and EdXposed works there again with no trouble.

The only downside is that I have to set SELinux permissive on boot with init.d script, otherwise the system will not boot. I guess that if I want to run it with SELinux enforcing I will have to build the ROM myself, because I haven't managed to find tools that would allow to patch se policies without using magisk.

Thank you again for your help guys!

Hello been following this and there is likely many others also interested in this also, can you consider releasing your method as a fork? Thanks

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

Hello, @msgpo . Thank you for the interest. I actually plan to publish everything required to build up a TWRP flashable zip that contains Riru Core and EdXposed but for now I haven't managed to find a way to patch se policies and make SELinux stay in enforcing mode. I plan to take a look at magisk's supolicy tool source code and the code that Piotr advised me to see in a message above. I will see if anything can be done with this. Making SELinux enforcing is an important thing and I wouldn't like to publish the final result without it. I will make Riru Core fork soon, but until that problem with se policies for EdXposed will be solved it will be pretty much useless. As it often happens I have unfortunately much less time to work with it than I would like to, but I'm trying to do my best and hope to reach a complete success as soon as I can

msgpo commented 4 years ago

@LuigiVampa92 Thanks for the reply. Also please keep in mind when you publish that not everyone use SELinux enforcing or even at all, using Tomoyo or other alternatives, so maybe you can point that out when released. Is there a way to try what you have succeeded with so far? I think that can be sufficient enough for me to work with, thanks

LuigiVampa92 commented 4 years ago

Hey guys, I have made a repo that contains this flashable EdXposed build that we have been discussing in this thread. So if someone interested please take a look and try :)


To my own surprise I actually managed to achieve enforcing SELinux mode. I have took the source code of Magisk's supolicy tool, made a binary that patches existing sepolicy with only those 6 rules that EdXposed requires for correct work and run this binary on boot. It injects necessary rules before any app process starts and everything works just fine.

I also managed to lock the bootloader on my OnePlus 5T with LineageOS 16 and EdXposed installed.

@msgpo I have made an option to build a zip with permissive SELinux mode if necessary. You can choose the required mode by setting param on build script. Check it out

Unfortunately, I had to apply rules or set permissive mode by init.d script. I haven't managed to make a .rc script that would do the same, and I'm not sure that it is possible without making your own build with your own custom .te file that will contain the rules for SELinux. It means that if a ROM doesn't have init.d support then it's impossible to use this "system" EdXposed on it. It's not that good because I think that most stock ROMs do not have init.d support, but I'm not sure if there is another way. I have tested everything on LineageOS 16 that has init.d support

msgpo commented 4 years ago

So far so good, thanks!

serajr commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, I had to apply rules or set permissive mode by init.d script.

You may be able to try to permanently patch the precompiled_sepolicy file in your shell script, using the magiskinit binary to do that. Something like (but the rules ofc):

mount -orw,remount /vendor
magiskpolicy --load /vendor/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy --save /vendor/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy "allow init domain process { noatsecure }" "allow init secd process { noatsecure }"
mount -oro,remount /vendor

Edit. I forgot to mention, this works on an xperia firmware, I'm not sure on others.

msgpo commented 4 years ago

Unfortunately, I had to apply rules or set permissive mode by init.d script.

You may be able to try to permanently patch the precompiled_sepolicy file in your shell script, using the magiskinit binary to do that. Something like (but the rules ofc):

mount -orw,remount /vendor
magiskpolicy --load /vendor/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy --save /vendor/etc/selinux/precompiled_sepolicy "allow init domain process { noatsecure }" "allow init secd process { noatsecure }"
mount -oro,remount /vendor

Edit. I forgot to mention, this works on an xperia firmware, I'm not sure on others.

Same here thanks.

imReker commented 3 years ago

@LuigiVampa92 Could you please share the modified Riru? I'm trying migrate EdXposed into my ROM directly.

saymyname77 commented 3 years ago

keep going,respect

LuigiVampa92 commented 3 years ago

@google-mirror hello, thanks for the interest to this topic. In case of normally installing magisk, riru-core and riru-edxposed erasing data partition will erase magisk modules configs and riru modules configs that stored in /data and because of that system will bootloop (seems that magiskinit will not be able to handle the situation). In the approach I used I took riru-core code and deleted everything that is related to parsing configs and initialising modules, added manual initialisation of riru-edxposed straight from the code (I don't use other riru modules anyway). So the result is that after I installed system edxposed and relocked the bootloader, data partition is wiped but that's ok, because it doesn't affect neither system nor installed edxposed. You can also make "factory reset" (or wipe data partition because it is technically the same) as much as you like in future

google-mirror commented 3 years ago

Once the bootloader is relocked, dm-verity is enforced. You have to sign boot image with device's oem keys or avb_custom_key, otherwise you will bootloop. Note that user-settable root of trust is not implemented for most of the devices.

LuigiVampa92 commented 3 years ago

@google-mirror true, but OnePlus devices are (if I get that right) the only ones except Google Pixels that allow to use avb_custom_key embedded inside /boot partition. That is what I do in my case, I embed avb_custom_key, resign boot.img and it works. Not sure it is possible on other vendors. Actually the fact it was possible on OnePlus is the reason I started this thread :)

In the end you get a "yellow state" at verified boot. It tells that "device has installed an unknown operating system" but the bootloader is locked

kotori2 commented 3 years ago

Personally I really dislike breaking system-less stuffs so I will most probably not working on this, but fell free to open a PR.

LuigiVampa92 commented 3 years ago

@kotori2 sorry, I'm afraid I misunderstood you. But just in case, the thing I have been discussing in this thread is not something I intended to get merged into EdXposed master, it was made just for myself and it can be useful only for people that would like to make their own system builds with EdXposed embedded. I agree that for general use it is much more simple and convenient to use it systemless-ly, as as a magisk module, just as it works right now

whitedavidp commented 3 years ago

Hello. I just got a new Android TV box (Minix Neo U22) that has Android 9 and is rooted (but without Magisk or superSu) - just comes with a switch to turn root on/off. I would love to be able to add EdXposed and wonder if the flashable zip mentioned in this thread will work. Thanks for any help/tips.

XspeedPL commented 3 years ago

@whitedavidp it's not like any of us can test this for you. Make a nandroid backup, and try flashing it. If it goes wrong restore the backup. What else do you expect lol

whitedavidp commented 3 years ago

I pretty much thought that. I just wanted to be sure I was understanding the purpose and intent of the reference project. Thanks

LuigiVampa92 commented 3 years ago

@whitedavidp Hello, thanks for the interest to this. It could be possible in theory, yes, but in case with TV could be tricky. That zip we are talking about for now relies on sysvinit (init.d) scripts, which is its main restriction because not many devices and builds support it. I plan to release a new version of it in a about a week or so. This time it will rely on injection inside boot process and should work well on majority of smartphones (at least I hope so) but I'm not sure about TVs. It suggests that you have certain system libs and certain file system hierarchy, I guess that smartphones and TVs should have the similar FS, but I never worked with TVs, so I can't say for sure.

Keep in mind that root is not enough to make edxposed work. You also should find a way patch SELinux policies - that is where init.d/boot patch/permissive policy needed, without it your edxposed could just not work or in worse case your device might just stuck in a bootloop.

As @XspeedPL mentioned, the best way to try it - load some custom recovery, take a look at your device FS, check if there is a way to pwn sepolicies, if there is such a way, then carefully backup all important devices (at least /boot and /system), unzip the archive, and copy stuff in /system manually. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with TVs at all, so I probably won't be able to help you, sorry

XspeedPL commented 3 years ago

@LuigiVampa92 Latest Riru and EdX don't rely on policy patching anymore, so if you're planning to update your project using latest components then it should become that much easier

Also, Riru doesn't use lib memtrack for injection, it's also simplified in that aspect

whitedavidp commented 3 years ago

@whitedavidp Hello, thanks for the interest to this. It could be possible in theory, yes, but in case with TV could be tricky. That zip we are talking about for now relies on sysvinit (init.d) scripts, which is its main restriction because not many devices and builds support it. I plan to release a new version of it in a about a week or so. This time it will rely on injection inside boot process and should work well on majority of smartphones (at least I hope so) but I'm not sure about TVs. It suggests that you have certain system libs and certain file system hierarchy, I guess that smartphones and TVs should have the similar FS, but I never worked with TVs, so I can't say for sure.

Keep in mind that root is not enough to make edxposed work. You also should find a way patch SELinux policies - that is where init.d/boot patch/permissive policy needed, without it your edxposed could just not work or in worse case your device might just stuck in a bootloop.

As @XspeedPL mentioned, the best way to try it - load some custom recovery, take a look at your device FS, check if there is a way to pwn sepolicies, if there is such a way, then carefully backup all important devices (at least /boot and /system), unzip the archive, and copy stuff in /system manually. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with TVs at all, so I probably won't be able to help you, sorry

Thanks for your response and help. This box is thankfully NOT an Android TV OS box, just plain old Android 9 - at least as far as I can tell. I have had other boxes similar to this and been able to use Xposed there. But the latest Android I have done it is 5. So EdExposed and your methods are the only way I have found because it seems that adding Magisk to this box is a no-go.

After TWRP backup, I tried to install the pre-built, ARM permissive (since my getenforce command shows permissive) zip from here.

I didn't get very far running into the errors shown in the attached image. I tried both with and without checking the validation box.


I am no expert, but I think that init is being used on this device. The other attached image shows the files contained in the systems / folder and I see some init-related stuff there.


Thanks so much for the help and effort in putting this all together. I await any comments/tips. Cheers!

LuigiVampa92 commented 3 years ago

@whitedavidp the zip is not signed. I think you can disable "zip signature checking" somewhere in TWRP settings and retry

LuigiVampa92 commented 3 years ago

@XspeedPL oh, thanks for the info. I have to see this :)

To be honest I returned to this project when I started to tinker with boot partition patching (that's what magisk do to achieve root actually). If EdXposed and Riru require no sepolicy patching then it should be very easy to make system EdXposed now. Actually, I think that Frida framework that also does runtime hooks does not require sepolicy patching and still works great

whitedavidp commented 3 years ago

@whitedavidp the zip is not signed. I think you can disable "zip signature checking" somewhere in TWRP settings and retry

Thanks again. I found a sig check setting in TWRP and turned it off (it was on) and tried again. In TWRP when performing an install there is an identical checkbox which I tried both on and off. I suppose that this latter one is for the current install ONLY while the former is the overall setting. I didn't get anywhere really new though. 20210118_144716

I did check the recovery log file and see the following (all of which is jibberish to me):

Installing zip file '/external_sd/zip_system_edxposed_v0462_arm_permissive.zip' Checking for Digest file... Skipping Digest check: no Digest file found I:Update binary zip Verifying package compatibility... Package doesn't contain compatibility.zip entry I:Zip does not contain SELinux file_contexts file in its root. I:Legacy property environment not used in updater. E:Can't execute '/tmp/updater': Exec format error Updater process ended with ERROR: 255 I:Install took 0 second(s). Error installing zip file '/external_sd/zip_system_edxposed_v0462_arm_permissive.zip'

I know I saw something about this in above posts. But no idea what it all means.

Thanks again.

LuigiVampa92 commented 3 years ago

Just tried to install it on my device via TWRP/Install and everything worked good. I have searched about error 255 and people on XDA say that it could be a problem with partitions, or badly picked TWRP (wrong arch, I mean 32bit/64bit), outdated TWRP version. Sorry, I can't tell for sure what is the problem in your case

whitedavidp commented 3 years ago

Just tried to install it on my device via TWRP/Install and everything worked good. I have searched about error 255 and people on XDA say that it could be a problem with partitions, or badly picked TWRP (wrong arch, I mean 32bit/64bit), outdated TWRP version. Sorry, I can't tell for sure what is the problem in your case

Well thanks again and sorry for any bother. Thinking that my TWRP is 64 bit, I tried the ARM 64 bit zip with identical results. Must be the TWRP and I will try to see about it.

Nothing is easy :-)

intika commented 2 years ago

Any updates on this ? really interesting... should get rid of riru module anyway

kababoom commented 2 years ago

@whitedavidp Almost a year later but got this working on a Minix U22XJ. Issue is the script mount is incorrect /system_root/system vs /system/system, init.d is not available (but not needed since selinux is already permissive), hence the errors while installing with twrp. I performed all copy and permission actions manually from twrp terminal and all is working (at least the two modules I need). Additional note, make sure to use an EdXposed manager compatible with 4.6.2..

@LuigiVampa92 Thank you ......

LuigiVampa92 commented 2 years ago

@whitedavidp Almost a year later but got this working on a Minix U22XJ. Issue is the script mount is incorrect /system_root/system vs /system/system, init.d is not available (but not needed since selinux is already permissive), hence the errors while installing with twrp.

I performed all copy and permission actions manually from twrp terminal and all is working (at least the two modules I need). Additional note, make sure to use an EdXposed manager compatible with 4.6.2..

@LuigiVampa92 Thank you ......

Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad this thing was still useful to you. Sorry I've got all this kinda forsaken tbh

intika commented 2 years ago

What about switching from riru to the new Zygisk ?