Closed megamindshubham closed 4 years ago
Hi! I can confirm that the same happens on my Mi9 with MIUI 11 installed. I found out, that the app did not crashed after 8-10th try. Hope it helps.
Same on dumpling (OnePlus 5T) and Derpfest Q and latest version of sandhook beta and latest version of EdXposed Manager. As soon as installed everything works regularly. After the first restart of the phone, the app crashes a few seconds after opening. I am attaching a file from the logcat app during the crash. logcat_12-29-2019_12-52-09.txt
@lucenera I have the same issue with Sandhook. But with YAHFA there is no crashing anymore.
Confirmed. On YAHFA there isn't crash.
provide BugCatcher log in /sdcard/Android/data/org.meowcat.edxposed.manager/files/crash
provide BugCatcher log in /sdcard/Android/data/org.meowcat.edxposed.manager/files/crash Now I'm on YAHFA, but even when I was on SandHook, after the crash, I never found that folder. Congratulations on the new version, it's beautiful.
No more useful logs, close
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Nexus 5
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