EldinZenderink / SimpleIRCLib

A lightweight, simple to use and implement, IRC library with support for DCC download (no upload)
MIT License
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Issue with receiving messages containing character ":" #14

Open kurspelli opened 3 years ago

kurspelli commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to catch #channel messages containing URLs and bumped my forehead against the bug that colon character terminates itself and all remaining text from a message.

In other words, a message hello here's my url https://www.google.fi gets garbled to hello here's my url https

I looked at the code in IrcClient.cs that handles parsing PRIVMSG messages and messed up my pants realizing that the parsing is done by splitting with ":" delimiter.

Maybe that's where the cause of this problem is? I'm still in doubt whether this really is a problem or whether I'm just dumb, as over 10 projects use SimpleIRCLib and no-one has mentioned this bug yet.

bman87 commented 1 year ago

I just built an entire project that uses this library.. only to find this bug... WTF.. My project deals with URLs in messages and this breaks the entire thing. I will have to write my own parser using OnRawMessageReceived