Elecs-Mods / CraftingTable-IV

CraftingTable IV mod, the successor of the CraftingTable III mod from MC1.2.5
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Tooltip Crash with Mystical Agriculture #79

Closed GeoMak93 closed 4 years ago

GeoMak93 commented 5 years ago

Opening the table and hovering over a craftible item with Mystical Agriculture installed gives the following crash. https://paste.ee/p/ZDisK Believed to be a problem with tooltips; Mystical Agriculture colours the text for some items; could be related to that. Should clarify it's not just for mystical agriculture items, but all items. Mods: MysticalAgriculture-1.12.2-1.7.3 Cucumber-1.12.2-1.1.3 ElecCore-1.12.2-1.9.452

Darinth commented 5 years ago

Nearly identical crash, except the mod it's interacting with is Botania. Minecraft 1.12.2 Forge ElecCore-1.12.2-1.9.452 CraftingTableIV- Botania r1.10-359


Darinth commented 5 years ago

Tried adding Botania to the DisableMods in the config file, no impact. Happens as soon as I try to mouse over any item (not just botania items) in the crafting table.

pupnewfster commented 5 years ago

For some reason it seems to event's itemstack is null.

pupnewfster commented 5 years ago

I think it is because of this https://github.com/Elecs-Mods/CraftingTable-IV/blob/master/src/main/java/elec332/craftingtableiv/inventory/WidgetCraftSlot.java#L52 and maybe wherever else ItemStackHelper.NULL_STACK given that returns null. And it should instead be returning an empty item stack, as of I think 1.11 item stacks are not supposed to be null.

Darinth commented 5 years ago

Just looked at ElecCore's Github and issues, also peeked at the code. Elec already moved one issue from here to there and has responded. The appropriate issue is at Elecs-Mods/ElecCore#144.

Darinth commented 5 years ago

He's already got a fix on github it looks like. He said there should be a new version on CF this weekend.

MindlessGalaxies commented 5 years ago

How do I use the fix @Darinth ? I tried taking the code off thre and it just throws up errors if I try to use it

kevindevm commented 5 years ago

ye if here is fixed can we compile to a jar file to use it?

Elec332 commented 4 years ago

This has been fixed in the latest version of ElecCore: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/eleccore/files/2853959