Open scorrao opened 1 month ago
hey sorry, I did not saw this. What you're saying makes sense, so yes, you can change it if you want, if not I will do it (but not sure when) .
There might be more examples where buildserviceprovider is being used, it will be good to have a look where and create tickets for those too. hopefully they are in startup methods and the change is simple.
In ServiceBus.cs at Distribt.Shared.Setup call to BuildServiceProvider to access a list of handlers an create IMessageHandlerRegistry.
Call to BuildServiceProvider make problems with singletons services.
Microsoft has a warning related
I changed the constructor of MessageHandlerRegistry to able to get the necessaries services from ServiceProvider
This change require change also multiple extension class to fix the dependency injection. What do you think? i don't known if it can impact in another feature