Electric-Coin-Company / tfl-book

A Trailing Finality Layer book for a proposed Zcash protocol change.
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Define PoS Subprotocol goals, requirements, and desiderata #117

Open nathan-at-least opened 8 months ago

nathan-at-least commented 8 months ago

Suggested Improvement

Let's define the goals, requirements, and desiderata for the PoS subprotocol.

Goals are high-level statements useful to a wide audience. Examples of potential goals: "to enable users to run notaries or delegate ZEC in order to earn a return from the network in exchange for providing security (primarily finality for TFL v1)" or "to increase decentralization by enabling a larger number of individuals to contribute to consensus infrastructure".

Requirements are precise technical criteria that we must ensure are met by the design. Possible examples: "the total network issuance rate and supply cap cannot exceed that of the NU5 protocol", "a machine with at least X hardware specs and Y bandwidth can successfully operate a notary", or "the protocol must support ≥1000 independent notaries". There are also a set of requirements due to Crosslink itself.

Desiderata are desired goals or properties which should be fairly precise and plausible to achieve. Examples might include: "the protocol supports all of the requirements necessary for IBC (and/or other specific bridging protocols)" or "the subprotocol can run over a (specific) mixnet while retaining the (specifically defined elsewhere) safety, availability, and alacrity requirements."

Close Criteria

To close this ticket, ensure the first pass of all of the above is defined in the Trailing Finality Layer Design Goals chapter.

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