Electric-Coin-Company / zcash-swift-wallet-sdk

iOS light client Framework proof-of-concept
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[#1341] Add Support for GetSubTreeRoots in Advanced Re Org tests #1342

Open pacu opened 4 months ago

pacu commented 4 months ago

closes #1341

Updates Proto files and compile new swift versions

Adds setSubTree darkside service adds subtrees into buildFakeChain() methods

Makes the Advanced ReOrg Tests work again. Some of them pass and others don't. The scope of this PR is make them stop failing because of an unimplemented service

As it can be appreciated in the screenshot the "sanity tests" pass. So darksidewalletd functionality has been restored


Fixing the christmas tree of checks is left for other PRs in the future.

This PR depends on: https://github.com/zcash/lightwalletd/pull/469 being merged

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pacu commented 3 months ago

There's a possible regression spotted by the func testDarkside() async throws test.

According to the logs, the synchronizer syncs the blockchain until block 663200. then there's this error.

-[DarksideTests.DarksideSanityCheckTests testDarkside] : failed - failed with error: rustScanProgressOutOfRange("0/0")

I believe this could be a false-positive error.