Electric-Coin-Company / zcash-swift-wallet-sdk

iOS light client Framework proof-of-concept
MIT License
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UNIQUE constraint failed: tx_locator_map.block_height, tx_locator_map.tx_index") #1384

Open pacu opened 2 months ago

pacu commented 2 months ago

Describe the issue

Please provide a general summary of the issue you're experiencing

When running a testPaymentToValidURIFulfillmentSucceeds test this happens:

testPaymentToValidURIFulfillmentSucceeds(): failed - Failed with error: rustScanBlocks("Error while scanning blocks: The underlying datasource produced the following error: UNIQUE constraint failed: tx_locator_map.block_height, tx_locator_map.tx_index")

Can you reliably reproduce the issue?


If so, please list the steps to reproduce below:

  1. run this branch pacu:feature/uri-initiated-payments
  2. launch darksidewalletd
  3. run testPaymentToValidURIFulfillmentSucceeds

Expected behaviour

Test should pass

Actual behaviour + errors

testPaymentToValidURIFulfillmentSucceeds(): failed - Failed with error: rustScanBlocks("Error while scanning blocks: The underlying datasource produced the following error: UNIQUE constraint failed: tx_locator_map.block_height, tx_locator_map.tx_index")