ElectricNightOwl / ArmSwinger

ArmSwinger is an artificial VR locomotion library developed on Unity 5.4. ArmSwinger allows you to use your arms to control your position in 3D space in a natural way with minimal disorientation.
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Decouple Arm Swinging from all Checks? #35

Closed xEvoGx closed 7 years ago

xEvoGx commented 7 years ago

Now that I've had more time to continue working, and of course talking to you about the raycasting I have what I hope isn't asking too much!

What it be possible to have a pure ArmSwinger that is nothing more than simply the movement derived from swinging your arms? Keep the curves and inertia (this is a must!) but completely truncate all the checks, raycasting and all other protections. Essentially (and within the package mind you) you can have Full Arm Swinger script, which is what you have now, and an Arm Swinger Raw/Lite/Pure script that is nothing more than the movement.

Maybe? Pretty please?? :smile:

Thanks so much kJack!

kjack9 commented 7 years ago

Does turning off all the Prevention Methods and setting playAreaHeightAdjustmentPaused to true accomplish this for you?

xEvoGx commented 7 years ago

Actually yes your new script seems perfect! If I'm not mistaken, this now more or less achieves what I was looking for in a lite version, right?

Very cool man thank you for your time!

kjack9 commented 7 years ago

If other folks ask for something like ArmSwinger without the prevention methods, I may split it into two or maybe just implement an easy toggle for it. For now, I think the options are there, even if they are a bit non-intuitive.

Closing for now.

xEvoGx commented 7 years ago

Agreed and thank you again kjack!