ElectricNightOwl / ArmSwinger

ArmSwinger is an artificial VR locomotion library developed on Unity 5.4. ArmSwinger allows you to use your arms to control your position in 3D space in a natural way with minimal disorientation.
MIT License
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Crouching Under Surfaces #37

Open xEvoGx opened 7 years ago

xEvoGx commented 7 years ago

( possibly linked to #31 )

I seem to come up with these questions when I'm away from my headset, in Starbucks on my laptop lol...

...does/will your system support being able to crouch under surfaces (hiding under desks, crawling through vents), and if you stand up in said enclosed areas will you be pushed back to the last safe location?

Thanks kjack!

kjack9 commented 7 years ago

No. Currently, ArmSwinger doesn't handle clipping into surfaces above you well at all.

Furthermore, it's very difficult to determine what positions are "safe" while the user is crawling. Do we do it based on the starting headset height? Have a height measurement feature? Something else?

One thing I could do is make is make it so that if you stand up into a surface, rather than rewinding you ArmSwinger simply fades out the view until you stop clipping the surface. Would that work well for you?

xEvoGx commented 7 years ago

Yea VRTK using last standing position for their system, including measuring height. I suggest checking out 017_CameraRig_TouchpadWalking to see how they implement it. Long story short, they generate a box collision volume starting at the headset, and going down to the ground (the PlayArea).

As for your last comment, fading is already implemented in VRTK, and works well enough but I've become a fan of keeping the player from clipping at all if possible.

xEvoGx commented 7 years ago

Oh and before you ask "why don't you just use VRTK's systems", I'm always on the lookout for different implementations. :smile:

kjack9 commented 7 years ago

I'll take a look at how VRTK is handling this. My first inclination is to implement a fading system to keep from further complicating ArmSwinger, but will do my research first.

xEvoGx commented 7 years ago

Well sure you may want one regardless, yes. It's funny how we all got behind teleporting which has helped mitigate a lot if not all of these issues, and now we're faced with how to actually create RealMovement.tm all over again from scratch within these unpredictable systems (people moving about lol).

kjack9 commented 7 years ago

Duplicate of #31 as well.