ElectricRCAircraftGuy / ElectricRCAircraftGuy.github.io

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New article: Flight controls: when to use throttle to control airspeed and pitch (elev.) to control altitude, vs thro to control altitude and pitch (elev.) to control airspeed altitude, and pitch (elev.) to control altitude vs airspee #102

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 8 months ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 8 months ago

Power vs vel curve. image


Left of min power, use thro --> alt. and pitch --> airspeed
right of min power, use thro --> speed and pitch --> alt.

At both the left and right extremes, you are at exactly 100% throttle! (correction: this may not be true if the wing stalls; note: also consider hovering flight). You have no more throttle to give! So, you better be using the optimal control technique for altitude when you are within 10% or so of full throttle! BUT, outside of the extremes, either technique would work! It's just that one is optimal and one is not!

Left of min power on the curve, use:
thro -> alt.
pitch -> airspeed

Right of min power on the curve, use:
thro -> airspeed
pitch -> alt.