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New article: installing Linux Ubuntu as dual boot on brand new Dell XPS 15 9530 laptop #108

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 6 months ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 6 months ago

This will encompass various topics and notes. Here's one from my personal notes:

VERY IMPORTANT or else your computer will still have a large power draw and quickly drain the battery even when asleep/suspended!: choose AHCI/NVMe mode (which uses 0.78W~1W while suspended) instead of RAID (which uses almost exactly 3x more power when suspended!):

Windows RAID to ACH mode in BIOS

Chat with Bing Chat:


Windows 11 Home change from RAID to ACH.


RAID and ACH are two modes of SATA operation that affect how your hard drive communicates with the operating system. RAID mode allows you to combine multiple drives into one logical unit for data redundancy or performance improvement, while ACH mode enables advanced features like hot swapping and native command queuing. Changing the mode may require some preparation and caution, as it may affect your bootability and data integrity.

According to some web sources¹², you can change from RAID to ACH mode on Windows 11 Home without reinstalling the operating system by following these steps:

For more details and screenshots, you can refer to the following guides¹². You can also find some tips and troubleshooting advice on the Microsoft Community forum and the Super User website. I hope this helps you to change from RAID to ACH mode on Windows 11 Home. 😊

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/24/2023 (1) Change From Raid To AHCI | Windows 11 Forum. https://www.elevenforum.com/t/change-from-raid-to-ahci.12086/. (2) Can't restore Windows 11 after changing BIOS RAID (RST) to AHCI. https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/cant-restore-windows-11-after-changing-bios-raid/c3f040d2-ce46-4405-8365-9167df5b1fdc. (3) Switch RAID to AHCI without reinstalling Windows 10. https://superuser.com/questions/1280141/switch-raid-to-ahci-without-reinstalling-windows-10. (4) Switch Windows 10 from RAID/IDE to AHCI - Helpdesk. https://support.thinkcritical.com/kb/articles/switch-windows-10-from-raid-ide-to-ahci.

Main sources of things for me to try:

  1. Answer by Pauli O: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/cant-restore-windows-11-after-changing-bios-raid/c3f040d2-ce46-4405-8365-9167df5b1fdc
  2. Post #15: https://www.elevenforum.com/t/change-from-raid-to-ahci.12086/#post-251677