ElectricRCAircraftGuy / ElectricRCAircraftGuy.github.io

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Get Utterances comments to be automatically labeled with `website_comments` #18

Closed ElectricRCAircraftGuy closed 2 years ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure why this isn't working, but figure it out.


https://utteranc.es/ --> see "label (optional)" key entry

I have the label set here: https://github.com/ElectricRCAircraftGuy/ElectricRCAircraftGuy.github.io/blob/master/_config.yml#L79

    theme                : "github-light" # "github-light" (default), "github-dark"
    issue_term           : "pathname" # "pathname" (default)
    # GS added: "the label that will be assigned to issues created by Utterances." "Label names are
    # case sensitive. The label must exist in your repo- Utterances cannot attach labels that do not
    # exist. Emoji are supported in label names.✨💬✨".
    label                : "website_comments"  # <==========
ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 2 years ago

Actually, this does seem to be working now. Not sure why it wasn't before. I just added a "test" comment to https://gabrielstaples.com/anti-anti-liberalism/ and it worked fine!

Let's go manually tag the other comment threads already created by Utterances and close this issue.

Sure enough! It worked here too!: https://gabrielstaples.com/kamala-and-joe-acceptance-speeches/
