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New article: 3 ways to motivate someone #42

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 1 year ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 1 year ago

3 ways to motivate someone:

  1. The carrot.
  2. The stick.
  3. Enthusiasm.

An example of the carrot is offering you a raise or promotion or additional bonus if you do well. It makes use of your desire to please and be recognized and rewarded.

An example of the stick is revoking or reducing your nominal bonus, removing you from a project you like, or even firing you if you do not do well. It plays on your fears and insecurities and removes rewards or inflicts punishments.

An example of enthusiasm is getting excited about the project or problem, and letting your engineers or workers bring what excites them to work with them, whether that's an interest in puppies or an interest in engineering and controls. It nurtures your desire for belonging and feeds your excitement and passions for things that interest you. Nurturing your employees' excitement about things that bring them joy makes them more excited to come to work and share that with others.

Which technique does your boss use most? Which would you prefer they used? What would you use, and why, if you were in charge? Which do you think is most effective?

Leave your answers to spark discussions in the comments.

Credit: the 3 techniques to motivate were brought to my attention by @Ovidiu.Platon in a recent conversation I had with him. The wording and examples in my post above, however, are my own.

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 1 year ago

Post this to LinkedIn tomorrow sometime between 8-10am MST (10am-12pm ET).

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 1 year ago

Done (posted!): at 8:09am MST: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/gabriel-staples_3-ways-to-motivate-someone-1-the-carrot-activity-7004461351850958848-F0qY?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop