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https://gabrielstaples.com/propeller-thrust-articles/ #53

Closed utterances-bot closed 1 year ago

utterances-bot commented 1 year ago

My propeller thrust articles | GabrielStaples.com home

Here are my two articles on this topic so far: ElectricRCAircraftGuy.com: Propeller Static & Dynamic Thrust Calculation - Part 1 of 2 ElectricRCAircraftGuyc.com: Propeller Static & Dynamic Thrust Calculation - Part 2 of 2 - How Did I Come Up With This Equation?


ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 1 year ago

If you have questions or comments about my propeller thrust equation articles from https://www.electricrcaircraftguy.com/, feel free to leave them here.

I've also created this new repository: https://github.com/ElectricRCAircraftGuy/eRCaGuy_propeller_thrust

I'll add notes to myself on what to work on next in the "Issues" page there.

And, I've got a note about future related articles to work on regarding this topic, here.

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 12 months ago

Here's another propeller-related article I wrote, including talking about propeller P-factor: Motor Thrust Angles--Down and to the Right---Why???

DrBindal commented 9 months ago

Hello Gabriel, I am in the process of making a modest prop-electric motor calculator. I was wondering if you know how to derive the prop torque equation (and the prop power as well as they relate each other), and/or did any study on prop torque like what you have done on prop thrust. When I start from the thrust equation, I come up with the torque equation below: Torque = Cq D^2 P^3 N^2
In the end, this doesn't really fit to experimental data. The equation below fits better to the experimental, but I don't know how I can derive it theoretically: Torque = Cq
D^3 P^2 N^2
In University of Illinois and MIT, they simply removed the dependence on prop pitch, which is absolutely incorrect, and came up with this formulation for torque: Torque = Cq D^5 N^2
The same sites gave the following for prop thrust: Torque = Ct D^4 N^2
Again no dependence on prop pitch at all while I see all the dependence in experimental data. I would appreciate if you can help. Thanks a bunch. Ahmet

DrBindal commented 9 months ago

I forgot to add. Please also copy your responses to my school email: ahmet.bindal@sjsu.edu Thanks again, Ahmet

gaspardollier commented 5 months ago

Bonjour, je suis un étudiant français et je fais une étude sur les drone fpv. Je vais surement utiliser votre formule pour estimer la poussée d'un drone mais j'aurais besoin de thèses ou d'articles scientifiques que je pourrait citer (en plus des votre). Vous êtes vous inspirés de travaux précédents? Par exemple pour la poussée statique votre formule rejoint la formule d'Abbott non? Merci de prendre du temps pour me répondre. Gaspard Ollier