ElectricRCAircraftGuy / ElectricRCAircraftGuy.github.io

My github pages website at gabrielstaples.com
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Migrate my old articles from my really old website to gabrielstaples.com #64

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 1 year ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 1 year ago

See: https://sites.google.com/view/ercaguy/

Example articles that I really need to move, as they are in no other place:

  1. https://sites.google.com/view/ercaguy/motor-thrust-angles-down-and-to-the-right-why?authuser=0
  2. https://sites.google.com/view/ercaguy/page-6-helicopter-control-explanation-gyroscopic-precession?authuser=0