ElectricRCAircraftGuy / ElectricRCAircraftGuy.github.io

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nit: see if you can make the Jekyll Pages Kramdown markdown viewer or whatever it is require 4 code indent spaces when putting code blocks in lists, not 3 spaces #69

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 1 year ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 1 year ago

This right here on GitHub:

1. one
    int main() {};

produces this:
1. one
    int main() {};

Notice there is NOT an extraneous space just in front of int main() in the output rendering. Yet, there are 4 spaces before the ```c part. But, on my website, when I do indented code blocks like that, apparently they want only 3 spaces, which is lame. Having 4 on my website, like I do on both GitHub and Stack Overflow, means that, on my website only, there is an extraneous space in front of any code you wish to copy, which, again, is an irritant as it means you have to delete all those extraneous spaces if you copy/paste code from my website. That's kind of dumb.

Let's see if I can fix it.

Note that even Minimal Mistakes recognizes this problem in what they wrote here: https://gabrielstaples.com/test-markup-syntax-highlighting/#gsc.tab=0:

Indentation matters. Be sure the indent of the code block aligns with the first non-space character after the list item marker (e.g., 1.). Usually this will mean indenting 3 spaces instead of 4.