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Write a new, super short article: "Microsoft Teams vs. Slack" #84

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 1 year ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 1 year ago

Write a super short article on this! Here is my feedback to Microsoft Teams just now, when it popped up a message asking for a rating:

  1. I HATE that it doesn't support regular markdown text editing. I want a plain text markdown editor that uses the exact same markdown syntax as Stack Overflow. Copying and pasting content is a NIGHTMARE without this.

  2. I HATE that I can't choose a setting to make Enter add a newline, and Ctrl + Enter send the message.

  3. I HATE that I cannot copy a link to any message in any chat or any team channel and paste it for others to click on, like I can in Slack.

Overall, because of these 3 things, Slack is much better.