ElectricRCAircraftGuy / ElectricRCAircraftGuy.github.io

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New article: write about GitHub Copilot and programming with AIs #99

Open ElectricRCAircraftGuy opened 9 months ago

ElectricRCAircraftGuy commented 9 months ago

It's amazing. For the first time in my career I have a peer programmer I can talk to regularly about what I'm working on, to get expert advice. I don't ever want to program without something like this again.

For those of you who don't have it, get it. Pay for it. It's worth it. It's like Google x 10, Google on steroids, an expert at your service, an infinite dictionary of code snippets and tips and tricks and programming knowledge.

In addition to GitHub Copilot, you can also use Bing AI, ChatGPT, and Google Bard. But, only GitHub Copilot embeds as a chat window right inside of VSCode, which is much more amazing, and so much better. You can select code inside VSCode and right-click and choose these options too:


Just remember to always check it's output. Do NOT just blindly copy-paste and trust it! It makes mistakes. It has hallucinations (the official term for when an AI makes things up), and you must vet and verify what it says and outputs. You are the programmer, not it! It's your tool, not your replacement! It aids you, it does not replace you.