Electrical-Age / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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Tutorial text #39

Closed Sukasa closed 10 years ago

Sukasa commented 10 years ago

Since some of the tutorial text wasn't in the best English, I took some time and tried to rewrite it to contain the same information, but write it so it's a little easier to read. Hopefully it'll be of use :)


A basic circuit. The lamp is fed from the battery via the switch, and the battery is grounded on the other side. The light connects to ground implicitly. Battery has 2 side, Black is the negative pin Red is the positive pin


You can put batteries in parallel in order to source more current when needed


You can put batteries in series to store more power and to provide a greater supply voltage


A basic, low-cost battery


Use more lead to produce a battery with a higher energy storage capacity


This battery directly provides 200 volts!


This battery is designed to provide lots of current at once


This battery lasts longer before wearing out


It's a single usage battery, can be recharged.


A basic unregulated turbine generator. Not safe at all, and can explode easily.


Burn coal, or other fuel, to provide heat. You can manually tune the ventilation to burn less or more with the control gauge (GUI)


Product electricity from a temperature delta. Left side must be warm Right side must be cold Electricity is output from the front and back


Dissipate heat into the atmosphere


You can install regulators in a furnace to control the temperature automatically There are 2 type of regulator (Check the furnace GUIs) On/Off regulator, with a hysteresis Analogue regulator, that tries to find the right burning ratio. It's not the best regulation method because the furnace never stops.


Breathe wind on dissipator is a much more efficient way to dissipate heat ! however, the fan needs a power source


Furnaces can be controlled from an external signal. When the signal is at 0% (0V), the furnace will shut off. When the signal is at 100% (50V), the furnace will burn at maximum production.

Here, the signal is provided by a voltage probe configured for a 100% (50V) signal when the voltage is below 190V, and a 0% (0V) signal when the voltage is above 210V

This regulates the output voltage to between 190 and 210V


The control signal for the regulation can be monitored in two ways. With a Analogue VU meter that displays the signal voltage. With a Data Logger, that shows historical signal voltages.

You can see the signal swing when you switch the light state.


Signal buttons can provide a 0% or 100% signal. Note that they are not momentary buttons!


The signal processor calculates its output from each input and a supplied equation Here, each input signal from the three buttons has a specific numeric weight (50%, 33%, 25%) The calculated output is displayed the VU meter


A periodic ramp signal can be done with calling ramp(periodValue), where periodValue is in whole seconds


This demonstrates the use of sin() and the pi constant to create a sine wave


You can also create square waves with some basic logic


One very interesting function is rs(resetTrigger, setTrigger). This emulates a set-reset latch. This function outputs a 0 or 1 depending on its internal state. When setTrigger is higher than 0.5, the output is set to 1. When resetTrigger is higher than 0.5, the output is set to 0. This can override setTrigger, if both are high. This can be very useful to regulate a heat furnace, starting it when a battery is too low, and stopping it when the battery is full.


Here is a more complex system using a very efficient power regulator. The Signal Processor controls the heat furnace according to two conditions The processor starts when the battery is below 180V, and stops over 220V. When running, it controls burn rate to produce electrical power between 450 and 550W from the turbine This uses the battery as a primary current source, and uses the turbine to charge the battery at maximum efficiency


This block transforms voltage and current with a ratio specified by the cable counts in the GUI


This display monitors the battery voltage


This is a furnace that uses electricity to produce heat. It will cook the same materials as the base-game furnace


Work in progress


Electrical lamp showroom


The output of this sensor rises and falls with the amount of light in the block


Because wiring every lamp in an area could be difficult, you can provide power to lamps with the "Lamp Supply" block. Just provide power to the lamp supply and put the lamp on the same "channel" as the supply box


The plate's redstone signal is translated into an electrical signal This signal is used as trigger by a timer programmed to output a 100% signal for 4 seconds. That controls the relay which switched power to the lamp.


Green lab !


Solar panels produce electricity from sun, taking into account the sun position and if blocks are between it and the sun


This probe measures the power production of the solar panels


This probe displays the sun's luminosity, aka daylight


This kind of solar panel tracks the sun to get more energy from it


Wind turbines produce more electricity when the weather is raining or thundering! In general however, the power production is very random


Water turbine product very little energy, except when the weather is raining.


The weather sensor outputs a signal based on the weather. 0% is sunny


Wireless signals can be transmitted and received.


Some standard blocks could be placed on small electrical element, like stone, or glass in this case. Here, you can break the glass and push the button to sound an alarm.


This is a movement detector, using an entity sensor and a similar circuit to the pressure-plate light.


You can use hub blocks to cross electrical cables without connecting them. That could be very useful in some situations. Note that you must select which sides are connected to which in the GUI.

Dolu1990 commented 10 years ago

Seriously, Thanks ! I'm very bad with english XD realy cool that you have mad that :) i put that into next map release : D