Electrical-Age / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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(Item request) Bigger wind turbines #666

Open pooing1234 opened 7 years ago

pooing1234 commented 7 years ago

I think it would be good to have another turbine, but bigger, and taller. It could produce up to 2, or 4 KW's peak.

AMIDIBOSS commented 7 years ago

2kW peak? Little overkill, but still, good idea to have bigger ones

pooing1234 commented 7 years ago

@AMIDIBOSS Yeah, may be a little overkill, just not used to the ELA's system.

Baughn commented 7 years ago

It's something we'd need to give careful thought.

One rule I've set myself is that no power producer should be universally superior or interior to another. Strengths should always be balanced by weaknesses.

And water turbines should probably be removed.

Adding larger wind turbines would make it easier to spam them, which is something I absolutely do not want to make a possibility.

AMIDIBOSS commented 7 years ago

And if wind turbines output Mechanical power?

Baughn commented 7 years ago

Then I'll need to finally implement those gearboxes. :-)

pooing1234 commented 7 years ago

@AMIDIBOSS You could make some of the fans mechanical as well.

OmegaHaxors commented 7 years ago

Maybe rebrand the water turbines as shaft-powered to give them a purpose; the challenge would come from trying to get them all to spin at the same speed without causing issues in the shafts. Sure you could spam them but GL trying to get any more than a handful to agree on anything.

Baughn commented 7 years ago


When it comes to shaft power, the turbines are easy-mode; efficiency aside, they just spin up no matter what. The water/wind turbine equivalents would hit a max speed and then eventually start dropping power... the water turbine would be trying to speed up the river if driven too fast...

A good water/wind expansion would depend on that, but I'm still not sure of the details. For water, I'd like to implement peltier turbines at some point.