Electrical-Age / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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[Suggestion] A machine that can generate custom power cables! #713

Open ihaveaquestion02 opened 7 years ago

ihaveaquestion02 commented 7 years ago

So... I would really like to have some sort of machine that I could use to make my own, custom power cables... The reason for this is : The power cables that we have right now are (in some cases) too small! For example a 200v cable can only hold around 2kW, that is just enough to supply one House with power, if the house is bigger(and so needs more power) you will have to either lay down more cables or use a 800v or even a 3,2kV cable into the house. In the first way there would be a lot of cables that just take up space that could be used for other things, also each cable would need its own converter as you can not connect 2 200V cables to one converter and pull full power out of both cables as the piece that connects both to the converter will overheat and pop! In the 2nd way you would have only one cable going from the power station to the house but the problem isn't removed there, you basically just moved all the wiring/connection problems (that I wrote for the first way) into the house, using up all the space in that house!

Also I dont like having to build either a huge converter station for a big city and then trying to make it look nice(not saying that your converters look ugly or something but it doesn't look nice if theres a spot with tons of converters in the middle(or at the side) of a city!) and having to put tons of power cables somewhere underground, or smaller converter stations which are spread in the city and then having to put powerpoles everywhere just to connect them all...

What would be useful here (this would require the machine I suggested to be added) would be a cable with, for example, Voltage:200V/Current:63A/Power:12,6kW, as I would only need one converter which gives me 200V@63A, connect this cable to that and then use the "normal" 200V cables to tap the power for the houses off that big cable instead of having to make one converter for each House and basically filling all the ground under the city with all the power cables going to the houses.... Also, if a House needs more power, I could just lay that big cable directly to that one house and connect everything straight to that instead of having those problems that I wrote in the first half of this issue/suggestion.

OmegaHaxors commented 7 years ago

This would be a dramatic improvement over the current ugly solution of indoor powerlines and would allow for some pretty interesting interactions. DC-DC converters are very difficult to build in-world right now because of the wire limitations.

It would be even more interesting if metals had different properties and you could mix them together as an alloy to mix and match their stats to fit whatever you needed. This could also open the door for all sorts of interesting solutions based on what resources are available to the player.

Some stats I have in mind for each metals are

A lot of these are designed to be scales, with both extremes being desirable. That way, there's a challenge to alloying instead of just putting the 2 "best" metals together, since there's no "best" metal that won't be as big of an issue with this type of system.

Here's the fun part: Once you have your materials set up, you can draw on a 16x16 grid with your components to actually design the wire. The final stats are determined by both the materials you use and where you place them. You can even choose to forgo insulation if you plan to hang the wire anyway. Want to have multiple channels across the same wire? You can. Want a hole to transfer fluids for coolant? Go for it. Tiny wire for basic communications? Do it. Big thick wire for heavy duty power transfer? Rock on.

Here's a little mock-up design for a gold wire, insulated by graphite and rubber, and has a little water pipe on top of it as a sort of heat sink. The purple is empty space, and would represent air. May not be the best design but it's unique.


Baughn commented 7 years ago

I had the same thought, but this is not happening prior to redoing the cable renderer for 1.10.

dennis-qt commented 7 years ago

I know, this thread is old, but if there are custom cables, there should also be custom poles!

AMIDIBOSS commented 7 years ago

@TheGuyWhoLeavesNow It's not old, It's "Longterm". Like it has been set at the end of todo list