Electrical-Age / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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[Feature Request] 2-way Relay #737

Open OmegaHaxors opened 7 years ago

OmegaHaxors commented 7 years ago

Lol that rhymed.

A relay which has 2 terminals opposite of each other, and a rod coming out of the bottom which connects to either one based on the signal coming from the opposite end. Without a signal, the relay faces to the left, and with a signal it will switch to the right.

An analogue version can also exist which would act like two resistors with opposite signals, allowing one to control the ratio of current down two wires with a signal.


AMIDIBOSS commented 7 years ago

You mean both NO and NC, but on two terminals? (like real relays do?)

OmegaHaxors commented 7 years ago

Something like a two-way relay so I can switch between on mode (50 volts) and off mode (ground) and not lose energy stored up in the inductor behind it. As of now the relay is more like a switch, cutting the circuit off completely, and setting up a proper splitter using the existing relay is quite obnoxious.

Domi1993 commented 7 years ago

Just use two normal relays to switch from one source to the other.

The relays get the same wire for the coil and one is NO the other one NC

OmegaHaxors commented 7 years ago

Doing that often leads to wires overlapping which makes a complete mess of what would otherwise be a pretty OK looking circuit. I've been patient many times to attempt to get it to work but it's simply way too ugly and inefficient to use multiple relays which is why I want this to be a thing. It's also less-than-trivial to invert signals in an analogue way, which i'm OK with since it's a fun challenge but it still makes a simple implementation like this more difficult than it needs to be.

AMIDIBOSS commented 7 years ago

Invert? just use NOT gate. As simple as that!

OmegaHaxors commented 6 years ago

NOT gates are not ideal since they have a 1 tick delay which often screws with timing and can only work on a digital scale. If an analogue is required or timing needs to be precise, a NOT gate is not going to cut it.

Either way, any solution to the relay problem is going to end with cable mash and it's nearly impossible to make an elegant solution with the current tools we have available. Sure you CAN do it, but to that end you're using up over 10 blocks of space for something that should fit within 5. If you need to make a lot of them, good luck, because you're going to run out of space faster than you can say "Gee golly my base sure is a giant bundle of wires"

AMIDIBOSS commented 6 years ago

Maybe the signal processor can do sth.... If not just set your cables under the floor! (or build yo base bigger 😄) Sure you can invert using single way relay. and i still don't understand how two way relay may invert... Show me your circuit and maybe I'll help you make it nice and clean using existing wires'n'stuff.

OmegaHaxors commented 6 years ago

I've built each in game on the right using the existing tools and then rebuilt it using the hypothetical device on the left side. Keep in mind that this isn't considering wiring the signals and if you choose to forgo wireless transmitters you're going to have a really hard time getting the signal where it needs to be without wiremash.

2017-07-04_13 41 10

Sure it may not be that much of an improvement but I often have to build LOTS of these in order to get certain circuits to work, so each square of space really really adds up.

AMIDIBOSS commented 6 years ago

OK, so get onto codin' 😄