Electrical-Age / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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Utility poles shall not explode... #742

Open AMIDIBOSS opened 7 years ago

AMIDIBOSS commented 7 years ago

...Since wood is not a device. Instead It shall take wires out between poles. It's... you see... when giant pole just dissapears and leaves a small hole in ground... You know what I mean

KingbiteM commented 7 years ago

Maybe it should be set on fire if the cable explodes from an overheated cable (Wood burns spontaneously at 300-400°C) But I don't know how hot the cables get when exploding (guess around 100 degrees?)

AMIDIBOSS commented 7 years ago

Yea, seems about rigt

OmegaHaxors commented 7 years ago

IMO the exploding mechanic is really dumb, which is why I always disable it. I have no problem with things like capacitors and batteries and even machines exploding when abused, but wires should simply melt away.

Although with the energy densities the existing capacitors are capable of storing, that would be one hell of an explosion... And a battery would leave behind a lot of messy electrolyte you would have to wipe clean.

In fact, having multiple fail-states would be useful. Overloading a motor would cause a fire and eventual failure, overvolting a capacitor or switch will cause dielectric breakdown and will function like a resistor until replaced, overamping any machine or device will cause the device to stop conducting all-together (internal wire melting) and putting too much reverse voltage in a diode will permanently prevent it from stopping reverse current.

Maybe even have a few special-case scenarios like accidentally letting the wrong item get into your grinder

Bricked Washing Machine

AMIDIBOSS commented 7 years ago
