Electrical-Age / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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General Balance Discussion #751

Open OmegaHaxors opened 6 years ago

OmegaHaxors commented 6 years ago

Good balance is always hard to find, especially in a game and mod as complicated this. I will be going in order of power generation, storage, then power consumption. EDIT: Totally forgot about power transmission.

Power Generators

50V Stone Heat Furnace & Turbine

Run Difficulty: Moderate Heat Generation: 1,000/1,500/2,000 Watts Power Generation: 300 Watts Fuel Difficulty: Negligible Setup Difficulty: Low/Moderate(With Automation) Cost: Negligible Conversion Efficiency Range: 0-65% Common Conversion Efficiency: 50% Heat per Burn Time: 0.6J (Coal is worth 960J) Maintenance: Fully Automatable Scales: Fairly poorly

Description: The Stone Heat Furnace (and it's accompanying 50V turbine) is often the first producer new players will use and it's not hard to see why. Its fuel is extremely abundant and you get quite a lot of power out of it. It can be set up directly to a macerator to get the extremely helpful ore doubling early on and it can also replace a stone furnace or provide lighting. It's cheap and effective and exactly where it needs to be, balance-wise.

50V Single-Use Battery

Run Difficulty: Plug&Play Generation: 500W Cost: Very Low Maintenance: Every 5 Minutes Scales: Easily

Description: Surprised to see this here? The Single-Use Battery is actually pretty reasonable for those starting up, however the requirement for copper makes it a little less trivial and the constant need to replace dead cells makes this an ineffective method of producing electricity. Despite this, it's still extremely useful in the early game and can be used to skip the need for a turbine as you progress up the tech tree. From a balance standpoint it's a very easy and cheap supply of energy but the constant effort required to use the batteries combined with its low power keep it in check.

50V Fuel Engine

Run Difficulty: Plug&Play Generation: 300W Cost: Low Fuel Difficulty: Moderate Energy per mB: 340J Energy per Burn Time: 13.6J Maintenance: Manual refuel every 3.5 minutes Scales: With effort

Description: For those who want good efficiency, simple setups, and don't care about raw power go for the 50V Fuel Engine. It's fairly low-maintenance only requiring buckets every now and then. Its main weakness is lack of power and a tendency to stall when mistreated. It may be a bit difficult to craft, and the fuel (depending on your modset) might require extensive processing. This is another engine which fits its niche well without causing balance issues.

59V Wind Turbine

Run Difficulty: Tricky Cost: Low Generation: 0-10W(Sea level)/40-60W(Mountain)/160W(Peak) Setup Difficulty: Varies wildly. Often high Maintenance: None Scales: Badly

Description: This thing is hard to rank because its outputs vary so wildly. Due to the large amount of space it needs to operate and the area it is most effective at, the difficulty tends to be quite high for what you get out of it. Combine that with intermittent power generation and storms potentially overloading your electrical network and you have one a pretty difficult setup. Once you do successfully set up its generation and account for its random outputs you should have no thought keeping it going. It's bad output and awful scalability leaves much to be desired at later stages in the game for wind fans.

14.5V Solar Panel (With Tracking)

Run Difficulty: None. High if machines need to run at night Cost: High Generation: 0W(Night)/45W(Unideal)/65W(Ideal) Setup Difficulty: Potentially high, likely easy Maintenance: None Scales: Well

Description: The panel requires silicon and the tracker requires quartz. This isn't something you craft right out of the gate and by the time you have access to it you likely don't need it. Even though you don't need it, however, that doesn't stop this from being one of the best power generators in the game. It is very small and can be placed essentially anywhere. In order to get full efficiency it should always have line of sight of the sun at any time, but you can still get a respectable amount out of it even with trees or rain clouds are in the way. Its biggest flaw is its tiny power generation but that is hardly a problem when they are so easy to scale and give a consistent power output. Solar power is really effective but good planning is required if one wants to take advantage of its abilities without being hit by its monstrous downsides. They won't work at all during the night although most servers keep it daytime constantly with beds so this is usually of little concern. Balance-wise this generator is a little bit too effective. A degradation mechanic or lowering efficiencies based on heat would help keep this item useful without allowing it to be mindlessly spammed to win.

50V Water Turbine

Run Difficulty: None Cost: Moderate Generation: 30W constant Setup Difficulty: Low Maintenance: None Scales: Awkwardly

Description: The Water Turbine is an extremely consistent and reliable power source which requires lazy amounts of work to set up and very little cost to do so. Its 30W output resembles solar on a lethargic day but is consistent unlike solar. Even though scaling is awkward, it can be spammed to win. This generator is objectively overpowered as it is now but word on the street is that it's going to require a stream in order to run in the future. Regardless, it's a very consistent power supply which makes power management much less punishing when your other generators fail.

200V Liquid Heat Furnace & Turbine

Run Difficulty: Moderate Heat Generation: 5,000/10,00/25,000 Watts Power Generation: 500 Watts Fuel Difficulty: Moderate Setup Difficulty: High Cost: Very High Conversion Efficiency Range: 0-70% Common Conversion Efficiency: 60% Maintenance: Requires Automation Scales: Effectively

Description: Starting 200V is when things start to kick off. Everything becomes more efficient but also more expensive and difficult to use. This engine and turbine combo epitomizes that with its dramatic increase in power output and efficiency but now requires automation to run, as well as piping liquid fuel. The extra cost and difficulty make this powerful engine and turbine combo very respectable while still remaining balanced. Good luck making efficient use of that Large Fuel Engine.

200V Fuel Engine

Run Difficulty: Plug&Play Generation: 1,500W Cost: High Fuel Difficulty: Moderate Energy per mB: 1,652J Energy per Burn Time: 15.1J Maintenance: Manual refuel every minute Scales: With effort

Description: For those who want the benefits of moving up to 200V without needing to redo all their infrastructure or maybe have no turbine setups can choose to deck a little efficiency and a bit of their time and use the Fuel Engine instead. There's little else to say about it since it's just an upgraded version of the 50V Fuel Engine.

118V Solar Panel (With Tracking)

Run Difficulty: None. High if machines need to run at night Cost: Very High Generation: 0W(Night)/480W(Unideal)/520W(Ideal) Setup Difficulty: Potentially high, likely easy Maintenance: None Scales: Moderately well

Description: For those who are sick of spamming small panels can breathe a collective sigh of relief when they hit the 200V era, because this upgraded panel is far more efficient and requires much less space. It shares the exact same balance issues the previous panel has, only now it's capable of running your base completely. If the server uses beds expect this panel to be the only power source you need. The only downside over using individual panels is that the rotating version of this panel can only rotate half as much as the 14.5V version, due to the larger size. As a result, less energy is collected as the sun rises and sets.

3,200V Generator & Gas Turbine

Run Difficulty: Extremely High! Rotation Generation: 4,810-9,720 Watts Power Generation: 4,000 Watts Fuel Difficulty: Easy Setup Difficulty: High Cost: High Maintenance: Requires precise automation Scales: Well

Description: No more messing around. This is the most efficient engine in all of modded minecraft. Forever. It also has an extremely good power output and scales well. What's the downside? Well, it's ALSO the hardest engine to run in modded minecraft. First, you need to spin it up by feeding it electricity. Once it's up to speed it will fire up and likely overload your shaft network. Getting it to run without destroying everything in a 2 mile radius requires either slowing down the turbine's speed with a signal or drawing the excess power away from another generator. The point i'm making here is that the difficulty involved in running this more than balances out the extremely effective and efficient power outputs.

3,200V Generator & Steam Turbine

Run Difficulty: Extremely High!!! Rotation Generation: 16,300 Watts Power Generation: 4,000 Watts Fuel Difficulty: Very Easy Setup Difficulty: Moderate Cost: High Maintenance: Requires precise automation Scales: Well

Description: This is bar none the best power generation in the game. If you have a railcraft boiler, a nuclear reactor, or anything that produces steam you would be absolutely bonkers to use anything other than this generator. Similar to the Gas Turbine, this generator is dramatically better than anything else modded MC has to offer and also shares its difficulty. It's a little easier to start but now the training wheels are off. The engine is very unforgiving to change and takes a long time to react to your signals; you will lose many shaft networks to this thing if you don't know what you're doing and sometimes even when you do. This is truly an epic reward for completing the mod's progression and learning how to use it is equally as rewarding. Nothing feels better than sitting atop a megafactory of these. At least until it fails catastrophically because a random component got knocked loose. Happens to the best of us.

Power Storage

50-1,000V Capacitor

Nominal Storage: 12.5kJ Maximum Storage: 21.1kJ Maximum Overvolt: 1.3x Power Density: Infinite

Description: This item is designed to plug into your existing networks and smooth out power by storing it within itself. However, due to the large voltages and Farads you can obtain with this it becomes pretty unreasonably effective at just storing raw power like a battery. Because of its infinite power density, you can charge and discharge it as fast as you like, putting it above batteries in that regard. In its current state it is way too effective and completely overshadows the existing batteries. It should still remain good at smoothing voltages but it shouldn't be a viable replacement for batteries.


Nominal Storage: 20kJ @20A Maximum Storage: Infinite Power Loss: None; requires constant current

Description: This power storage method is kind of non-standard. Due to losses in transferring electricity, you will always lose quite a lot of power by using this as a long-term storage however in short bursts it's pretty effective at smoothing out intermittent power supplies. Because of how it works you can use converters to put insane amount of currents through it and have theoretically infinite power storage. This isn't practical due to the large amount of losses this would incur.

52.5V Single-use Battery

Storage: 120kJ Power Density: 500W(Out)/200W(In)

Description: Okay this is kind of a cheat. Technically you can recharge the single-use battery if you are EXTREMELY careful. As a result, it gets an entry here. Keep an eye on it because you are NOT supposed to be able to charge it and it's very liable to remind you with a small crater where it used to be.

50.6V Cost/Life Battery

Nominal Storage: 25.4kJ Maximum Storage: 60kJ Power Density: 250W Cycles: 45(Cost)/250(Life)

Description: This is your baseline battery. Nothing special. It shares stats with the Life Battery which has a much longer lifespan true to its name. Like real batteries it should always be charged half of its discharge rating or else you will cause unnecessary damage. Even when adapted for life all the batteries suffer from pathetically short lifespans. Unfortunately it's all downhill from here; these are the most effective batteries.

202V Voltage Battery

Nominal Storage: 25.4kJ Maximum Storage: 60kJ Power Density: 250W Cycles: 24

Description: A carbon copy of the regular battery only with four times the voltage. Very useful when you need a higher voltage but don't want to spam batteries. Unfortunately due to its HORRIBLE shelf life, you'll probably need to spam them anyway.

50.6V Current Battery

Nominal Storage: 16.9kJ Maximum Storage: 40kJ Power Density: 1,000W Cycles: 166

Description: Now this is a battery with some level of respectable output. At 1kW of power density you can charge and discharge this very quickly. However, it suffers from total storage and its cycles are very quick making shelf-life short. Wait a minute... It's stats look awfully familiar. Oh... it's just a worse version of the Capacitor. Oh well.

12.7V Capacity Battery

Nominal Storage: 102kJ Maximum Storage: 240kJ Power Density: 125W Cycles: 4

Description: Finally, a battery that's worth using. Actually not really. It's got a phenomenal storage capacity but its Power Density is so awful that it's hard to use and its rated voltage is minuscule. Being the only battery with a viable use, of course it has to have a lifespan so short that it makes a Mayfly jealous.

Batteries in general

They're terrible. Lifespans are way too short power densities are too low to be of any practical use, and capacitors outperform them in almost all situations. Having no way to recycle batteries or repair them means you are going to have a LOT of dead batteries you can't use. The few that do have a use are either overshadowed by other methods or live so short that they're worthless. Buffs desperately needed.


Nominal Storage: 2,205kJ @800Rads Maximum Storage: 2,756kJ Loss over Time: 0.5kJ per second per Generator

Description: Similar to the inductor, you can use a flywheel to store power with a loss. Unlike the inductor, this exists on a MUCH larger scale allowing you to store potentially gigawatts of power in a small amount of space. There is a negligible amount of loss over time but the largest losses come from converting in and out. If you plan appropriately however these shouldn't be too big of a problem. They should have a little bit of loss over time on their own rather than relying on the loss from generators so that large networks of them are not more efficient than a single one. Apparently flywheels are used in real life to store large amounts of power kind of like a souped up capacitor, and they also last much longer (potentially forever!) than batteries. Now all we need is pumped hydro to emulate how certain countries store large amounts of power, but I suppose that can wait until the water turbine is redone.

Power Transfer

Cables in general

All cables have resistance, a voltage limit, and a current limit. Going over the voltage limit may damage your wire, with an increasing chance (to 100% at its limit) the closer to the limit you reach. It's generally advised you stay at your wire's nominal voltage, but it's safe to push it a little bit. The current limit isn't actually a limit but rather the highest current you can pass through the wire safely before it overheats fatally. By pulsing the current you can allow your wires time to cool and allow far over the current limit of the wires, albeit over time. If you attach wires nearby you can actually heat sink the active wires and allow slightly more current before failure, making parallel networks a little less frustrating. All wires melt at 165c. Wires do not have inherent capacitance or inductance, so you do not need to concern yourself with Power Factor.

Low Voltage Cable

Voltage: 50V (65V) Resistance: 25mΩ Current: 20A (24A) Nominal Power: 1kW (1.5kW)

Description: These cables are cheap to make, can handle a lot of current and have very low resistance. The only downside they have is low voltage rating, and by extension low power. Still, these are great for powering all your starter equipment and putting into ground wires.

Medium Voltage Cable

Voltage: 200V (260V) Resistance: 0.1Ω Current: 10A (12A) Nominal Power: 2kW (3.12kW)

Description: The logical step up from the 50V wires. They're a lot less efficient but can handle twice the power and are necessary to run your 200V equipment. Other than that, they're nothing special.

High Voltage Cable

Voltage: 800V (1,040V) Resistance: 0.2Ω Current: 6.25A (7.6A) Nominal Power: 5kW (7.9kW)

Description: Now you're starting to get to the good stuff. It's even less efficient than the previous wire, but also carries a little over twice its max power, as well as allowing you to power the toughest machines. They are also used to connect power lines, but we'll get to that later.

Very High Voltage Cable

Voltage: 3.200V (4,000V) Resistance: 0.13Ω Current: 4.6875A (5.6A) Nominal Power: 15kW (22.4kW)

Description: This is the best wire out of all of them, but it comes at a pretty steep price. It can carry three times as much power as the previous wire, and it's also more efficient as well. Since no machines require the high voltage it carries, this is mostly used for transferring large amounts of power to distribute to your various machines. Because of their high cost, try to limit using them. If you need to send large amounts of power over a larger distance, put the line into a power line and transfer with that instead. If you are rich enough, consider replacing your 800V lines with these due to the lower resistance losses.


Hey wait a minute, that's cheating! Batteries can't transfer power. You would be right on that, if it wasn't for the fact you can pick up batteries and carry them in your inventory! Hell yeah semantics! If you ever need to run an emergency teleporter or keep your tools topped up with charge, just carry a few high capacity batteries and plop them down wherever you happen to be. This method is especially useful since you don't need to set up any infrastructure, and in the case of the Single-Use you don't even need to charge it. I suppose this also could be said for the generators, but let's not get too ridiculous.

Power Dishes

Nominal Voltage: 50V/200V/800V Power Limit: 250W/1kW/2kW Range: 200/250/300 blocks Efficiency @ max range: 70%/75%/85%

Description: Here's a tool of questionable utility. It can send a reasonable amount of power over quite a large distance with a fairly respectable loss, all without needing wires. The beam needs to be clear of blocks to function, can't be rotated, and if anything gets in the way, it will be literally microwaved. The receiver has a little S icon on it: that's the control signal which is used to communicate with its parent transmitter. On the other end, the transmitter has an S icon which is where the signal goes. It also has a C icon which will turn the transmitter and cause it to send power. See where i'm getting with this? You can send a control signal through the reliever to only accept power when it's needed. It's a good thing too because if the receiver can't remove the power it catches, it will overload and blow, causing large amounts of power to be wasted, so having a way to turn it off is especially useful. Because they only output their limit and draw as much current as they need, they work as great power clamps for devices which will draw large amounts of current if left unchecked. The lower the control voltage is, the less power will be transmitted. Weather effects are known to cause a 50% drop in power transfer, so be sure to account for that.

Power Lines

Nominal Voltage: 12,800V Nominal Current: 6.25A Nominal Power: 80kW Range: 24 blocks Resistance: 0.2Ω per wire

Description: This. If you are doing literally any long distance power transfer and you actually care about efficiency this is the only choice. It has phenomenally low losses, extremely high power limits and is very flexible and versatile. All power going into your lines is automatically stepped up by 4x voltage, ensuring the maximum efficiency when being transferred and then stepped down by 4x when going back into the ground wire allowing it to be safely used. The main downside is that you need 1 High voltage wire per block traveled (plus one to account for sag) and the expense adds up quickly. Chances are, though, by the time you reach this point you will have rubber and metal to spare.

High Voltage Power Lines

Rumor has it that high voltage power lines are on the way. They have 4x higher maximum voltage over the regular power lines, can travel quite a distance further per pole, and look absolutely magnificent. They are also expensive to craft, requiring large amounts of iron, though this is offset by not needing as many to connect large distances. There's also talk of a new mains transformer which will allow you to step up and down voltages in your power lines to make use of the new lines.

Power Users


Cost: Varies Voltage: 50V/200V Power Usage: 150W-1200W Utility: High

Description: It's an electrical furnace; the quintessential tool every power mod has to have. It does its job really well and comes with many different heating elements, some cheap and effect and others expensive but even more effective. The thing that sets this oven apart from the others is that it will use its power to heat up which indirectly cooks whatever you put in it. The higher the heat the quicker your food cooks. As an added bonus, it has the option to turn off if nothing is in it. If a regulator is installed you can even set the maximum heat as to not waste power. It's pretty fast too, though nothing excessive.

50V Egg Incubator

Cost: High Power Usage: 55W Utility: Low

Description: The best way to describe this is "why does this exit?" It's a pretty useful little tool but the requirement of rare tungsten puts it far into the game and by the time you have it, you no longer need it. It's also of questionable utility since eggs are so common anyway that throwing them works as well.


Cost: Low/Moderate Power Usage: 200-600W/400-1,210W Utility: Very High

Description: The Macerator is a very useful device which allows ore doubling, the ability to create silicon dust from sand, and grind coal into dust which can be used in resistors or processed into diamonds. It can also grind down certain materials down to their lesser versions which is extremely useful. No matter in which point in the game you are, you'll always have this useful little machine by your side.


Cost: Low/Moderate Power Usage: 200-600W/400-1,210W Utility: High

Description: The Compressor is also another useful device. It is capable of converting coal dust into plates which can be used to make E-Coal armor and diamonds. It is used to make the dielectric used in capacitors, and can be used to squeeze resin out of logs. It's fairly useful and you will definitely want one in your workshop though it's not necessary.

Plate Machine

Cost: Low/Moderate Power Usage: 200-600W/400-1,210W Utility: Moderate

Description: The Plate Machine exists only for two reasons: One to make plates needed for progression and the other to make silicon plates needed for solar power and certain circuits. Its use is pretty limited though it is needed for progression so you're going to need to make one anyway. At least you can use it to make other mod's plates too, so it's not a complete waste of time.


Cost: Low/Moderate Power Usage: 200-600W/400-1,210W Utility: Low

Description: This machine only exists to make 200V motors. That's it. You can also make magnets out of regular iron but they have no use. This is one of the least useful machines in the game and it only exists for the purpose of gating. Can you think of any use for a magnetizer, though? I certainly can't.

Heat Sink

Cost: Low/Moderate Power Usage: 50W/60W Dissipation: 1kW/1.4kW Utility: Questionable

Description: If you are trying to get the top efficiency out of your turbines than these heat sinks are very useful however they are far from necessary. Because the regular heat sink requires no power, is cheap to craft, and is usually more than adequate it's often more viable to simply stack passives than to go active. However, this doesn't mean the active heat sinks are worthless since they can draw a LOT of thermal power away from a single square. If you need to keep a large rheostat cool or if you are using the Large Fuel Engine you WILL need to use these. It's just a matter of what your use case is. Regardless of how effective they are, ensure they are kept cool because they have a fairly low tolerance to heat.


Cost: High Passive Power Usage: 25W Power Usage while Firing: Adjustable 100-5,000W Damage per Joule: 320J per heart Utility: Limited

Description: One thing you may find while playing is that monsters are constantly bugging you. Replicators try to eat at your wires, and sometimes you just need to slaughter a few annoying animals. This turret is not the solution. It's filters are very useful but its damage output is far too low and it tends to shoot the target while they're dying or damage immune, wasting the shot. It can fire a large amount of shots at higher settings which ensure every second shot misses due to damage invulnerability. Replicators may also paradoxically eat the wires behind the turret making it worthless in that regard. Being able to increase damage and setting the max fire rate to be no higher than the damage invulnerability, and making it not shoot at dying targets would go a long way in making this turret useful.


Cost: Very High Power Usage: 500W/1,000W/2,000W Mining Speed: 8s/5s/3s Joules per Ore: 4,000/5,000/6,000 Utility: Extremely High

Description: Without a doubt the most useful tool in the entire mod. Once you have this any ore deficits you have are now over. It may be difficult to power so consider upgrading your power supply once you get a hold of one of these. It also has a silk-touch mode which makes it half as fast and take three times as much power. It's easy to forget how energy hungry this is and blackout your entire base as a result of turning it on. It almost seems a little too good though, but since most modpacks have automining that's even more effective than this one, it's easy to forgive.


Cost: Very High Power Usage: Adjustable 2,000-20,000W Joules per Transport: 10,000J + 300J/block distance Utility: Very High

Description: This thing is great. It's very expensive for power but allows for trivial transfer between your favorite hubs in the world. It cannot transfer you between dimensions however, leaving it at its biggest downside. Many modpacks have better transportation option but this machine is LEAGUES better than going by foot, and you can even transport multiple people at once which makes party transfer enjoyable.

All Light Sources

As cool as they are, light is a very easy thing to obtain in minecraft, so having to pay electricity, bulbs, and infrastructure for light which can fail when you can accomplish the same with consistency by placing a torch seems pretty badly fitting. At least they despawn hostile monsters within a short distance. Yay? The farming lamp can be used to grow your crops faster, so that's something.


Cost: Moderate Power Usage: 20W Power Capacity: 6,000J Run Time: 5 Minutes Utility: Very Low

Description: Have you ever wanted to take a portable light source with you into the caves? Now you can. However despite that it's really not that useful. Its battery life is extremely short which will leave you in the dark more often than not with no way to get back. You can help this by bringing a Portable Battery Pack to extend your time to around an hour of use but that's an inventory space you could have used for something else. With how easy it is to produce light in Minecraft requiring power to light your way seems a little unnecessary. When you do want it for its light and you are willing to take the two inventory spaces for it, you won't be disappointed by the amount of light it produces. It's pretty nice but loses its utility quite quickly when it has to compete with other power tools for your batteries.

Hand Drill/Axe

Cost: Moderate Power Usage: 200J/block Power Capacity: 40,000J Blocks per Charge: 200 Utility: Moderate/Low

Description: The drill and axe have a lot going for them. They have a reasonable amount of charge and can break through anything that's in your way. The drill can break through annoying gravel like nothing but the axe leaves much to be desired. It cannot break leaves and can't be used for combat. Neither the drill nor the axe can be enchanted which makes them absolutely worthless once you get the ability to make them. Both tools compete with others for the charge in your inventory, so keep that in mind.

E-Coal Armor

Cost: Very High Power Usage: 250W per part (1,000W for set) Power Capacity: 1,500/4,000/3,500/1,500J (10,500J for set) Energy lost per Heart: 1,000J Utility: Very Low

Description: This armor is extremely interesting. It can't be enchanted but has infinite durability and uses its internal charge to mitigate damage from combat or falls. From a raw design point it's actually a very nice set of armor. The numbers are where things fall apart. You lose 1,000 joules per heart damage taken when wearing the armor, but this applies to each part regardless of how many you wear. As a result, wearing the full set will cost 4x as much energy per heart saved. Combine that with its very low capacity it means you'll only be able to mitigate 10 hearts of damage before you take FULL damage from everything. This means every time you get hit you must wait 4 seconds per heart for your armor to recharge itself or you are liable to start taking large amounts of damage. Combine that with the fact that better armor sets exist (like the enchantable diamond armor) and it's not hard to see why nobody uses this armor set. Unlike the hand tools, you can sneak enchantments on it via an anvil. Because this is likely not an intended mechanic, it will not be considered as part of its balance. Enchantments will behave as normally, and the armour's drain will remain the same as if the armor wasn't enchanted. Beware as Thorns will still damage (and potentially destroy) your armor.

Hand Xray Machine

Cost: High Power Usage: 300W Power Capacity: 10,000J Run Time: Half a minute Run Time with Battery Pack: Little under 4 minutes Utility: Circumstantial

Description: This thing is very good at what it does: Hold it and you'll know if there's ore in the direction you look. It won't specify which kind of ore and you have to wait awhile when turning it on. As a result, it's best to keep this nearby you when looking for rare ores and nothing else. Besides, you should have access to an automatic mining machine at this point, right? Constantly having to switch between your pickaxe and the xray machine is kind of annoying but thankfully dual wielding will soon be possible which will hopefully give this xray kit a revitalized use.

OmegaHaxors commented 6 years ago

Whew, I think i'm done now. Feel free to discuss.

AMIDIBOSS commented 6 years ago

Ok. All developers are out nowhere, and we can't edit anything... What If we make a new mod? "Electrical Age Reloaded"?

cm0x4D commented 6 years ago

@AMIDIBOSS The mod is completely open source, so I do not understand what you mean by "we can't edit anything...". We would be actually very happy for any contribution, especially Java/Kotlin development.

For my part I do not have that much time and motivation to code in my spare time during summertime and especially this year I have a lot of other stuff going on, but this does not mean that I will not develop for the mod anymore...

AMIDIBOSS commented 6 years ago

Oh great! At least one is alive!

OmegaHaxors commented 6 years ago

Added info for power transmission, because that is somewhat important to consider.

AMIDIBOSS commented 6 years ago

Ok, that shall be a PR already...

Baughn commented 6 years ago

The XRay machine would be greatly improved by having the option of selecting which ore to look for, since most of the time (in a modpack) there are so many that it's unreadable.

This will have to wait for 1.10 and the UI rewrite.

AMIDIBOSS commented 6 years ago

UI rewrite?

Baughn commented 6 years ago

The current UI code is a mess.

I'm going to replace it with LibLib, which will simplify things dramatically and also fix half a dozen bugs.