Electrical-Age / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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Implement Option into Config to replace explosions from short circuits / over current / voltage etc with Fires #916

Open ellingtonisland opened 5 years ago

ellingtonisland commented 5 years ago

Implement Option into Config to replace explosions from short circuits / over current / voltage etc with Fires

unlike the option that disables explosions. this one would cause fires to start and your low and medium voltage cable to melt if your cable short circuited or got too much voltage or current in it.

High and Very High voltage cables should explode like they do and catch things on fire when a short circuit happens.

Also Make ALL Electrical age components and wires ect able to burn like wood does on minecraft so if a electrical fire does start it could destroy your power plant or home etc.

just like in real life when you short circuit things without a breaker on them.


jrddunbr commented 5 years ago

There's a lot of work to do with this, it's not very simple. The reason explosions exists is a side effect of the internal state trying to fix the external state - things that shouldn't exist explode to remove themselves. If you just want them to remove themselves when invalid, just set explosions to false in the config.

I'd love some fires too :)