Electrical-Age / ElectricalAge

Electrical Age (ELN) is a Minecraft Mod offering the ability to perform large-scale in-game electrical simulations.
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compatibility Buildcraft/ElectricalAge #949

Open DthYb opened 4 years ago

DthYb commented 4 years ago

Hello, (I'm french so my english could be wrong on some point and i'm sorry.) My probleme is whenever i try to use buildcraft and ElectricalAge in the same modpack, the game doesn't start/crash. I had this probleme for years but i never ask if there is a solution.

The game crash without even loading.

Mods loaded : BuildCraft-Mod-1.7.10 and ElectricalAge_BETA-1.9_r43

ElectricalAge_BETA-1.9_r43 [1.7.10]

Thanx for reading 👍

bloxgate commented 4 years ago

You seem to be using a very old version of the mod.

Could you try one of the newer releases of ElectricalAge from here?

jrddunbr commented 4 years ago

If you get a crash log that would also be helpful. If it doesn't leave a log, it's likely that it just ran out of RAM instead, and you need to make sure that you're launching Minecraft with enough ram. We also only support the latest (not stable) version of Forge for 1.7.10, and Java 8 64 bit. If you have newer/older java than that, you will likely encounter issues.

DthYb commented 4 years ago

I tried a newer version just after sending the thread and i felt dumb XD. But thank you :).

bloxgate commented 4 years ago

I take it that your issue is resolved then?

DthYb commented 4 years ago

Yes, thank you :)