Electroid / mojang-api

Bundle multiple Minecraft APIs into a single GET request.
MIT License
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Invalid response when mojang api is down. #35

Closed makindotcc closed 3 years ago

makindotcc commented 3 years ago

Hello. A moment ago the mojang api was down for a moment and then request to the https://api.ashcon.app/mojang/v2/user/www_makin_CC url was returning No user with the name 'www_makin_CC' was found which is not true. I don't understand coffee code too much, but if im right your api will always respond with this message if mojang returns an error. https://github.com/Electroid/mojang-api/blob/aff20321e3a1d78f1a3dfae404013127388ea4b0/src/api.coffee#L5-L17

Electroid commented 3 years ago

Thanks for flagging this, same issue as #28. Working on a fix.