Electron-Labs / ed25519-circom

ED25519 implementation in Circom
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npm test fail #137

Closed zlemon819 closed 1 year ago

zlemon819 commented 1 year ago

hi, i try to execute 'npm run test-scalarmul', but come across the following error. Can anyone help it ? Thank you.

@electron-labs/ed25519-circom@0.0.1 test-scalarmul mocha --colors --max-old-space-size=4000 --timeout 300000 test/scalarmul.test.js

Scalar multiplication for ed25519 when performing scalar multiplication on curve 1) should multiply them correctly

0 passing (1m) 1 failing

1) Scalar multiplication for ed25519 when performing scalar multiplication on curve should multiply them correctly: LinkError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import #1 module="runtime" function="printErrorMessage" error: function import requires a callable at builder (node_modules/circom_tester/wasm/witness_calculator.js:19:40) at async wasm_tester (node_modules/circom_tester/wasm/tester.js:60:16) at async Context. (test/scalarmul.test.js:9:19)

jinankjain commented 1 year ago

I just ran the test on the master branch and it does not seems to fail:

❯ npm run test-scalarmul

> ed25519-circom@0.0.1 test-scalarmul
> mocha --colors --max-old-space-size=4000 --timeout 300000 test/scalarmul.test.js

  Scalar multiplication for ed25519
    when performing scalar multiplication on curve
      ✔ should multiply them correctly (108142ms)

  1 passing (2m)
zlemon819 commented 1 year ago

I just ran the test on the master branch and it does not seems to fail:

❯ npm run test-scalarmul

> ed25519-circom@0.0.1 test-scalarmul
> mocha --colors --max-old-space-size=4000 --timeout 300000 test/scalarmul.test.js

  Scalar multiplication for ed25519
    when performing scalar multiplication on curve
      ✔ should multiply them correctly (108142ms)

  1 passing (2m)

yes,i downgrade the circom version to 2.0.6 and now pass.

jinankjain commented 1 year ago

Closing this issue since we only support circom 2.0.6.