Electron-Labs / ed25519-circom

ED25519 implementation in Circom
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Error when running tests as per the docs #149

Open jonas089 opened 1 year ago

jonas089 commented 1 year ago

I get this error in the circom-tester:

1) ED25519 verifcation test When testing against the RFC test vector should verify correctly: LinkError: WebAssembly.instantiate(): Import #1 module="runtime" function="printErrorMessage" error: function import requires a callable at builder (node_modules/circom_tester/wasm/witness_calculator.js:19:40) at async wasm_tester (node_modules/circom_tester/wasm/tester.js:60:16) at async Context. (test/ed25519verfication.test.js:11:19)

is this known / is there a fix?

jonas089 commented 1 year ago

Found the solution: Use the latest version of circom_tester