ElectronVector / fake_function_framework

A plug-in for Ceedling to use the Fake Function Framework (fff) for mocking instead of Cmock.
MIT License
36 stars 13 forks source link

Proposal cmock and fff support for same file and project #29

Open binarymaker opened 1 year ago

binarymaker commented 1 year ago

Can you consider test file parsing fake_module_name.h instead of mock_module_name.h and generate mock file prefix with fake_ in test/mock folder

#include "unity.h"
#include "mock_adc.h" <- mock files generate from cmock
#include "fake_gpio.h" <- mock files generate from fff plugin

i hope it is possible to make

EighthMayer commented 1 year ago

I believe support of both cmock and fff in the same Ceedling project would require significant changes primarily in the Ceedling itself.

What are the benefits you see in this feature?